Thus, cour�� EARL WARREN, CHIEF JUSTICE OF THE UNITED STATES, 12 NOVEMBER 1962 Henry Magruder made a mistake�봦e left a CD at the coffee station. Deontology is focused on the ______ of a particular behavior. Using rights theory, the primary ethical obligation of an accountant is to ______. (Select all that apply). The time to start is before the semester begins when instructors plan their courses. Utilitarianism is a moral theory that implements fair choices in an effort to ensure the least amount of harm is done to all parties involved. Beneficence is the idea that our actions should �쐂o good,�� and �쐂o no harm�� (the latter sometimes being categorized as a separate principle, that of �쏯on-maleficence�� �� the distinction has to do with the degree of intent; whether to simply prevent harm from being done, or do actively ensure that one�셲 actions do not cause harm). When the rules are unclear, ethical decision making may require a person to take an action that may not be in his/her best interest. In decision making, an individual should ______. Being ethical means conforming to accepted moral standards. Which of the following can be an example of a section from a company�셲 Code of Ethics? Behavioral Ethics. This is best described as ______. Ethical issues. �쫤hether to recommend your significant other for a position that has just been vacated, �쫤hether to make a comment to your co-worker about her outfit which you deem to be inappropriate, �쫤hether to reveal to your supervisor that you�셶e recently been profiled by a head hunter, Always strive to do the greatest good for the greatest number, Review and understand the company�셲 published Code of Ethics. Finally, the virtue ethics system internalizes moral behavior and emphasizes achieving excellence. Ethical thinking is responding to situations that deal with principles concerning human behavior in respect to the appropriateness and inappropriateness of certain communication and to the decency and indecency of the intention and results of such actions. It is based on morals. All those who enter a practice such as the accounting profession ______. (Check all that apply). (Check all that apply), Ethics or moral philosophy addresses which of the following questions? Which of the following are two important teleological philosophies that guide decision making in business decisions? Instead of focusing on how people ought to behave, behavioral ethics studies why people act [��] An early question instructors might ask themselves is: �쏻hy should students put time and effort into achieving the learning objectives in my course?�� Creating a climate of ethical behavior begins when instructors design courses to improve students�� knowledge, skills and abilities. Situation ethics a moral philosophy that considers an act to be morally right or acceptable if it produces some desired result such as pleasure, the realization of self-interest, same, utility, wealth, and so on. In most situations, but in medicine/health care and law in particular, ethical behavior can be reduced down to 3 (or 4) basic principles. Choose from 500 different sets of ethical behavior flashcards on Quizlet. All of their actions and words are following good moral principles. Autonomy �� In place of announcing a pay raise freeze, a company offers flex-time benefits to all of its employees, allowing them to choose between a pay raise or a flexible schedule. What matters it that it might be the wrong thing to do morally. Organizational Behavior Final Exam Quizlet. Ethical issues. Morgan (2007) Legal Studies 155: �쏱attinson has successfully woven a tapestry of often complex legal and ethical discourses into a manageable text. (Check all that apply). In terms of personal ethical behaviour, the model proved significant (sig. Which of the following is a dimension of trustworthiness? Utilitarianism may be of limited value in moral decision making because ______. 10/7/15 9:58 PM Chapter 06: Legal and Ethical Guidelines for Safe Practice flashcards | Quizlet Page 1 of 17 Chapter 06: Legal and Ethical Guidelines for Safe Practice 31 terms by phagocytez A psychiatric nurse best applies the ethical principle of autonomy by: a. exploring alternative solutions with a patient, who then makes a choice. According to the Six Pillars of Character, the primary motivation for ethical action is ______. 3. The importance of ethical behavior to an organization has never been more apparent, and in recent years researchers have generated a great deal of knowledge about the management of individual ethical behavior in organizations. Ethical issues in organizational behavior 1. Justice �� During �쐂ownsizing,�� all employees are reviewed for their contribution, not for their seniority or affinity with management. The equality in the treatment of individuals under justice theory can best be expressed by ______. Ethical behavior is a necessary condition for shareholder wealth maximization as opposed to profit maximization. (Check all that apply), Accountants who go along with fraudulent financial statements begin the slide down the ethical. ETHICAL ISSUES INORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR 2. What Does Ethical Behavior Mean? 2. 2. (Check all that apply), Which of the following are true regarding regulation? a moral philosophy that considers an act to be morally right or acceptable if it produces some desired result such as pleasure, the realization of self-interest, same, utility, wealth, and so on. Behavioral ethics is the study of why people make the ethical and unethical decisions that they do. Psychology in Our Social Lives. heart of ethics and ethical decision making, Which of the following are features of egoism? Applying these principles to a company will ensure ethical �� 1.1 The Importance of Ethical Behaviour For citizens, even for those of us with no aspirations in a career in law enforcement, morality and integrity are important characteristics to demonstrate. A. attitudes, dispositions, or character traits that enable us to be and to act in ways that developed this potential. A CMA compares the harms and benefits of recording the transactions in question versus not recording them. Learn ethical behavior with free interactive flashcards. As such, ethical behavior guidelines in the workplace tend to be very general, relying on such universally basic concepts as �쐆onesty,�� �쐄airness�� or �쐇ntegrity,�� but lack specificity when it comes to determining whether an employee has in fact behaved ethically after the fact. (Check all that apply). It is essentially a moral compass. �쏪ustice�� can best be explained through the concept of �쐄airness�� �� each person should be afforded what is rightfully owed them in the grand scheme of things. ), we could in fact be running counter to the idea of self-rule, as, for instance, in law, when �쐏ower of attorney�� is invoked for those deemed incapable of making decisions for themselves, as in the case of the elderly or the mentally challenged. True or false: Our ethical obligation for promise keeping includes avoiding bad-faith excuses and unwise commitments. Autonomy There are two corollaries to this idea: one, that we should not interfere with the right of persons to self-rule, and two, we should protect the same rights of those who are less capable. Its teachings arise from research in fields such as behavioral psychology, cognitive science, and evolutionary biology. (c)Behavior analysts follow through on obligations, and contractual and professional commitments with high quality work and refrain from making professional commitments they cannot keep. Which of the following are dimensions of trustworthiness? the field of inquiry that concerns the actions of people in situations where these actions have affects on the welfare of both oneself and others. A(n) ______ is a justified claim on others. Ethical Behaviour Within the Work Place: Ethical behaviour is behaviour that is appropriate. A. a standard of rightness; equals should be treated equally; unequals unequally. This study focuses on the needs and competencies of school sport managers. Behavioral ethics studies why people make the ethical (and unethical) decisions that they do in order to gain insights into how people can improve their individual ethical decision-making capacities and promote ethical culture in organizations. It is the behaviour that is morally accepted as �쁤ood��, �쁱ight�� in a particular setting. ___________ evaluate the moral worth of behavior by looking at its consequences. Ethical behaviors can be identified in both individual relationships and work relationships. the philosophical view that what is right or wrong and good or bad is not absolute but variable and comparable, depending on the person, circumstances, or social situation. rely on his/her moral principles as a guide, Utilitarianism requires that the decision maker should do the following: ______. Professions and organizations regularly establish a �쏞ode of Ethics�� that serves to guide the behavior �� Which of the following hold that actions are the proper basis used to judge morality? Virtues have been described as ______. An ethical leader will make sure all policies strictly define ethical behavior and will fire any employees that violate those policies. (Select all that apply), Regaining respect for the profession to enhance the public interest requires ______. Comparatively, ethical behavior is acting according to what society considers to be good values. Keywords:-Business Ethics, Decision Making, Ethical Behavior, Machiavellianism, Organization, Stakeholders I. Such principles are person-specific �� you must construct your own. (Check all that apply). EARL WARREN, CHIEF JUSTICE OF THE UNITED STATES, 12 NOVEMBER 1962 Henry Magruder made a mistake�봦e left a CD at the coffee station. I was conducting a seminar with senior leaders of a national company. What matters it that it might be the wrong thing to do morally. The view that moral or ethical statements, which vary from person to person, are all equally valid and no one's opinion of right and wrong is actually better than any others is best described as ______. Behavioral ethics is a new field of social scientific research that seeks to understand how people actually behave when confronted with ethical dilemmas. Are you an ethical person? In most situations, but in medicine/health care and law in particular, ethical behavior can be reduced down to 3 (or 4) basic principles. (Select all that apply). �봂thicist Rushworth Kidder This chapter surveys the components of ethical behavior�� We instinctively know that it is good to be moral and act with integrity, but by coming to an understanding of the reasons for morality and integrity, we will be motivated to champion such behaviour. The reputation of a CPA is built by performing professional services ______. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. In a workplace, employees are expected to uphold certain outlined ethical behaviors. refuse to use the deduction and explain the criteria for the deduction to be taken, Each of the following is an element of reliability that enhances ethical decision making. Ethical behavior is acting in ways that are consistent with how the business world views moral principles and values. Such principles are person-specific �� you must construct your own. (Check all that apply. Act utilitarianism considers which of the following in decision making? Treating people with respect means to treat them with ______. Various factors can determine what an individual would deem to be �쐒ight�� or �쐗rong,�� including personal values derived from one�셲 own upbringing, religion, government, society and/or popular media, but in business, a code of ethics published by the company or organization can provide its own definition. Ethics, Ethical Behaviour and Ethical Issues �� Consumer Behaviour Ethical behaviour refers to behaviour that is ethically and morally correct according to the society. the duty to ensure that the financial statements "present fairly". Chapter 7 14. Simply put, �쐃thical behavior�� is knowing �쐒ight�� from �쐗rong,�� whether in the workplace or in personal life, and acting accordingly. Rules provided by an external source are referred to as ______ whereas an individual's own principles regarding right and wrong are referred to as ____. a moral philosophy that focuses on the rights of individuals and on the intentions associated with a particular behavior, rather than on its consequences. Ethical Decision Making and Behavior As we practice resolving dilemmas we find ethics to be less a goal than a pathway, less a destination than a trip, less an inoculation than a process. In other words, we have an obligation to treat each person equally, fairly, and impartially. Which of the following are included in the IMA's overarching ethical principles? 2. All of their actions and words are following good moral principles. A person who acts responsibly does all of the following: ______. In three earlier articles, I discussed the broken windows principle, why ethical behavior is profitable and how ethics are a core element of who you are. Identify the characteristics of ethical egoism (select the best statement). Ethical behaviour is when someone is being on his or her best behaviour. Treating others fairly requires that we treat them ______. Intro To Ethics Chapter 1 Quizlet . Learn ethical behavior analysis with free interactive flashcards. Values are basic and fundamental believes that guide or motivate attitudes or actions. The maxim of our acts can be thought of as the ______. Start studying Human Sexual Behavior Exam 1. An individual's beliefs that guide or motivate the individual to act in a certain way are referred to as. A correct moral rule under rule utilitarianism might be ______. ), defending concepts of right and wrong behavior, Which of the following are characteristics of integrity? Which brand of egoism claims that the promotion of one's own good is in accordance with morality? Though ethical behavior is desirable in all fields, the sensitive nature of information security makes an appreciation for ethics necessary for all working in this field. In being good citizens, accountants and auditors should strive to enhance the reputation of ______. The concept can also be applied to corporations as entities. Wider. Nurses have the responsibility to recognize and identify ethical issues that affect staff and patients. What is ethical behaviour? ethical behavior is determined by the sophistication of a person�셲 moral reasoning. All rights reserved. Take this quiz of possible everyday scenarios and find out if you are an upstanding citizen or a person in need of a virtue fill-up. (Check all that apply), Civic virtues and responsibilities about how we should behave as part of our community are included in. Synonym Discussion of ethical. Giving each person what he/she deserves is a way to describe. Honesty, Fairness, and Objectivity are ethical ________ of the Institute of Management Accountants. Morgan (2007) Legal Studies 155: �쏱attinson has successfully woven a tapestry of often complex legal and ethical discourses into a manageable text. B. In other words, ethics are �� Ethical behavior is acquired at all levels of socialization such as in the family, in church and at school. 짤 copyright 2018 1 (autonomy) can and must be overruled in certain cases in the interest of beneficence (as, for example, when an individual wishes to intentionally harm others). Secondly, the paper highlights the importance of organizational culture in establishing an ethical climate within an organization. It refers to behavior that is judged according to generally accepted norms of behavior. A혻code of ethics, also known as a혻code of conduct혻or혻statement of values,is a policy statement of a company�셲 values, responsibilities, and conduct expectations. Ethical/Unethical) _______________ decision making centers on how we act when no one is looking. Applied to the work environment, it means that an ethical person has a higher standard than just avoiding a certain behavior or practice because it is illegal. Ethical behavior covers a ____ range of conduct than does legal behavior. In the context of the business world, however, we can understand it as an obligation that each company or organization has to make clear to its employees, clients and business partners what it upholds as ethical behavior. IB Psychology: Sample SAQ for BLOA, 'Evolutionary Explanation of Behaviour' - *Including a Corrected Answer April 10, 2019 As an example of common mistakes by candidates while answering this particular SAQ, I am including screenshots of an answer of one of my tutees alongwith the corrections and evaluation I have made after the specimen answer below. (Check all that apply). What does subordination of judgment mean? This paper is designed to do three things while discussing the challenge of ethical behavior in organization. Is it �� Here we already have the potential for ambiguity and conflict �� by protecting the rights of those who we deem as being less capable (and how is this determined? This shouldn�셳 be surprising, however, as the principle of ethics itself is often not clearly defined and at times self-conflicting, as we shall see. According to Kant, the categorical imperative requires that ______. Define ethical behavior and business ethics Recall the three factors that affect business ethics Identify values and morals and how they affect an individual's ethical behavior Its teachings arise from research in fields such as behavioral psychology, cognitive science, and evolutionary biology. People enjoy being around others who have a good ethical behaviour. Ethical And Legal Issues Quizlet. Beneficence �� Rather than chiding employees for sub-par performance, a manager holds monthly meetings to recognize achievements, encouraging them to aim higher with additional incentives. A. (Check all that apply), we act according to maxims that could be universally accepted. a moral philosophy involving decisions that take the morally correct course of action for any particular situation. When applied to decision making in accounting, rights theories might best be characterized by ______. A big business has a lot of power, which it can either use responsibly or selfishly. Behavioral ethics is different from traditional philosophy. What is the danger of covering up financial wrongdoing? Characteristics of the moral point of view include ______. More narrow. An ethical behaviour is legal in the eyes of law, is based on everyone`s best interests and leads to the welfare of the society. The basic problem under justice theory is ______. The purpose of a code of ethics is to guide employees in handling ethical dilemmas. Autonomy, or �쐒espect for persons,�� is about respecting the right of people to make their own decisions about their own lives, and affording them the dignity of their own personhood. What is the best way to ensure ethical behavior in the workplace? = 0.000) explaining 9% of the variance (Table 2) thus it may be stated that the severity of academic dishonesty influences personal ethical behaviour.In regards to the impact level that the variables have on personal ethical behaviour, we found that only using unauthorized support did not prove significant. Ethical Behavior Definition. Introduction to Gizmos. Here are some simple real-life examples illustrating each principle, in both business and personal situations: 1. One difference between virtue theory and other moral philosophies is ______. The Spiritual Individual. a body of ethical thought that takes normative principles and generalizes them so that an agent can make sense out of one's experience when confronting ethical dilemmas. What are the Basic Principles of Ethical Behavior? Which of the following reflects the desire of a manager to achieve a "win-win" relationship in dealing with others? The Josephson Institute of Ethics believes that caring is the ______. For instance, employees may be required to dress in a defined way and use acceptable language as indicated in codes of conduct. After a �쏤riendsgiving�� dinner, all guests stay to help with clean-up instead of dashing off. There are three major factors that can affect your ethical behavior: Individual factors, such as knowledge, values, personal goals, morals and personality. While ethical beliefs are held by individuals, they can also be reflected in the values, practices, and policies that shape the choices made by decision makers �� An obvious example is "Follow the Golden Rule." Kohlberg proposed that moral judgment develops through a sequence of three levels, which are comprised of two stages at each level, resulting in six stages. Define ethical behavior and business ethics Recall the three factors that affect business ethics Identify values and morals and how they affect an individual's ethical behavior Utilitarianism is an ethical system according to which actions are solely judged by their consequences. (Check all that apply). What action will maximize intricsic value? (Check all that apply), treating equals equally and unequals unequally. _________ means to act on principle rather than expediency. The common element of ethics and morals is. Virtue theorists emphasize that the individual should ______. (Check all that apply. takes a long-range perspective and allows the well-being of others so that one can achieve its own ultimate personal goal. Created by: Marcus of radiofan14's House of Variety (your link here more info) While walking along a residential sidewalk, you spot a wallet. Since the origin of Ethical Monotheism in (Hebrew) Judaism, something Greek-sounding like "ethics" may be said to have been originated in Judaism's up to four thousand years old passed down traditions and instructions of the Torahs (Hebrew: / � t �� r �� t /, toroth; plural of Torah), Oral, Written, and Mystical.. Behavioral ethics lead to the development of ethical models such as the so-called "bystander intervention", which describes ethical behavior �� Ethics: The study of MoralPhilosophy�� Centuries of examining the basic question of how people should live their lives�� Some specific questions�� Some of he essence of ethics and moral philosophy is its reflective quality �� sitting back and looking at the way things are customarily done �� determining morally relevant criteria to assess fair distribution of benefits and burdens, Virtue ethics addresses ______. Which of the following should not be a basis for fair decisions? However, there are a number of principles of ethics that are nearly universal in the business world. The most important influence on ethical behavior in the workplace is overall company culture, which determines whether employees are valued or belittled and whether stakeholders are treated with trust or suspicion. the gaps between who you want to be and the person you actually are. In the strong version, it is always good to promote one's own good. Ethical behavior is acquired at all levels of socialization such as in the family, in church and at school. Enron and WorldCom executives used deceptive accountin�� F�� The study of ethics dates back thousands of years, and there is certainly no shortage of ethical �� 1.1 The Importance of Ethical Behaviour For citizens, even for those of us with no aspirations in a career in law enforcement, morality and integrity are important characteristics to demonstrate. It is choosing the right and good. defines right or acceptable behavior in terms of its consequences for the individual.
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