PCT with tamoxifen and exemestane at a lower dose. This will only be my third cycle (ran test E 10 weeks first time and d-bol for 4 weeks then test prop and cyp 1ml of each a week for twelve) was just looking for some advice on dosage and what you would advise as I am trying to build an old school 70s/80s style physique one day. By the time the Dianabol cycle ends, Testosterone levels will have saturated in your body and you should be feeling the effects of high test. this would be his second cycle. My cycle is as follows: Testosterone Enanthate 500mg/wk (1-10) Dianabol 30mg/day (week 1 … HCG will be pinned every 5 days. W1-10 Test E 250mg W1-4 Dbol 40-50mg W3-8 NPP 400-500mg Had a couple questions: 1. Week 1-10: Test-E @ 150mg EOD Week 10-14: Nolvadex @ 20mg ED My questions are 2: 1 - Will the 20mg Nolvadex mitigate the risks posed by the Dianabol e.g. Test E @ 750mg/wk (split between two doses 2-3 days apart) hCG @ (500iu/wk ~ 1 dose E5D) Proviron @ 25mgs ED Aromasin @ 10mg EOD. Any thoughts and recommendations on the above? I know this seems a bit weird combination. Nolva.40/40/20/20mg.a day Clomid.200/100/100/100.4 weeks Theres lots of options but this your 2nd cycle so no rush due not add tren yet,see what u get from this cycle keep us posted. ---- Testosterone Enanthate and Dbol Cycle is a 12 weeks cycle where dbol tabs are used just first five weeks to kickstart the cycle. Dbol Cycle Info: So, now that we know what is Dbol and what it can do. A lot of the gains during your Dbol cycle are the consequence of water retention, which you’ll be able to manage with the assistance of anti-estrogen medications. Ive been doing calisthenics and weightlifting for majority of 8 years, im 37, 183cm, now 96kg up from 89kg when started cycle, i eat roughly between 3500-4000 calories a day now up from around 2500 and average around … I have done a great amount of research and think that I am ready to do this. I am planning to kickstart it with Dianabol, but to limit any possible negative sides, I plan to take it 10-20mg ed (4 weeks only). I know its not smart to do 2 orals in 1 cycle. Clomid 30 tabs . For my bulking cycle I run Test cyp And DECA a minimum of 13 weeks with dbol at 6 weeks.My stats is 35 years old 6' tall current weight is 208lbs with biceps over 18". Some users even run Dianabol at 50mg/day for 4-weeks only, making the most of the cycle at the maximum tolerable dose. 30 syringes with needles. Its capacity in order to add weight comes on quickly, and lots of people use it in the initial 6 weeks of their cycle. Dbol is used as the kick starter steroid during the first 6-weeks of the cycle. I know a guy who is: 29 years old, 5'9" 190lbs, 18%bf his first cycle was test500/deca500 for 10 weeks with dbol kickstart years ago. Cycle: Dbol @ 30mgs ED for 4 weeks. Today will be my third pin of test E. Can't wait for test to kick in though l know that l will need atleast 2 more weeks for that. I have Arimidex at hand and PCT, that includes nolvadex and clomid. So, I think it must be a first time thing that must cause the dead arm feeling. Dianabol with Testosterone: This is the gold standard for bulking stacks. Test e, deca, dbol 12 weeks cycle hi starting my first cycle on next week, i weigh 165lbs 6ft 1, been training over the past 3 years. gyno? I am thinking I am going to run it something like this 1-12 test e @500 mg a week split twice 1-10 deca @300 mg a week split twice. My cycle will be 500mg test ew for 12 weeks. Ok, first of all you Will read ‘Kickstarter the cpurse with the dbol until the test e kicks in after 5 weeks, although as far as i researched its in your blood stream after 8 Hours lasting up to 10 days graduelle lowering. Learn from the cycle and don’t repeat it again. Test e 500mg a week Deca 250mg a week Dbol 20mg tabs for my first 4 weeks I have my aromasin also caber just Incase. But that's no problem since dbol is doing his job now. Today is Sunday and I first started my cycle on Tuesday (02/07/13), so I have been “on” for 5 days now. l'm pretty happy with the results. PCT: PCT starts 14 days after the last pin of test. ... Run the HCG for the full length of your cycle, I assume you have a 5000 IU vial, so you have 10 weeks worth, but since your cycle is 8 weeks just double up the doses in the last 2 weeks, before PCT since PCT should be not long after your last shot. PCT, or Post Cycle Therapy, is most definitely required after running a test-E cycle, in fact, it is required after running any steroid cycle, no matter how mild it may be such as clenbuterol. Here goes nothing! Most people report good gains with a test only cycle and its easy to administer as well. 30-50mg per day. Dbol, Test E, Proviron and hCG will all start on the first Sunday. Each day for 4 – 6 weeks, you should consume 30 – 50mg of Dbol. Here is the cycle I have done last year: 12 weeks long week 1-12 400mg Test E (200mg twice a week) week 8-14 Var 50mg ed week 4-13 HCG 250 iu twice a week PCT: Week 14-20 Clomid day 1-2 / 6 ed (2+2+2 after meals) day 3-12 / 2 ed day 13-43 / … Just wanted some more input on my new cycle and what to expect? 2. Run Dbol at 25mg/day for 8-weeks along with Testosterone (Any ester) at 350mg/week. Diet is very healthy. I will update this thread every two days during my cycle. Week 1-6: Dianabol at 30mg/day. 1st - Test E 500mg 12 weeks 2nd - Test E 500mg 10 weeks /Wini 8 weeks Proposed cycle Test E 500mg week 1-15 Deca 300mg week 1-13 Dbol 40mg week 1-5 Questions 1. Would I better off extending Dbol by a week, and starting NPP a week later? 07/07/13. Weeks 1-10 .. DP Test E 500mg a week Week 2-5 Dbol 30/40/40/50 Week 6-10 Winstrol 30/40/40/50 Im 2.5 weeks in it and weigh 213lbs (+11) now. I’m about to start my first ever cycle with test 250 and dbol 25ml I be running a 10 weeks cycle now my question is after theb10 when should I start my pct and how much nolvadex should I take. he has some differing dosages on hand, but has planned out every week. 1. share. i plan to take weight gainer as well as high protein shakes between my 5 meals aday, train hard 4 days a week to allow rest inbetween, my goal is … Dianoxyl 10mg by Kalpa Pharmaceuticals - 200 tabs. ? 2 - If I go on a cut, 12 weeks into the cycle, will I lose a significant portion of the gains? Dianabol cycle length is either 1-4 or 1-6 weeks in which the dosage also varies i.e. 1- people recommend 8 weeks cycle for beginners . Hey guys, New to the forum here. My questions are: 1. 4 weeks dBol 30 mg/day. Please let me know if I am heading in the right direction. PCT functions in a similar way to how the ‘restore to factory settings’ feature works on phones and computers. So now given i have Test-E, Tren-E and Dbol im thinking of carrying the cycle as below: Week 1-10: Test-E 400mg pw. Suggest something bruhs. he's been back it and now he's ready. 2-i will run blood before and 4 weeks in and after the cycle. Also feel free to post your past cycles and their respective results.) Keep questions in the Anabolic Forum. Week 9-10 Dbol 30mg a day. When running 250mg of Test E, would I only have to wait a week after cycle to start PCT? Strength gains were great as i had become stronger than i ever was at a lighter weight and leaner bodyfat %. I have done 1 previous cycle last february of test e for 10 weeks. As a beginner, that is ideal, although for more advanced results, try stacking with Test-E … Week 1-4: Dbol 30mg a day. I will begin my first ever steroid cycle tomorrow, at 26 years of age. I see people on other forums running dbol middle/end of NPP, is there a need for this? Test p.1- 10 weeks 150mg.eod.600mg.total Npp.1 - 10 weeks 125mg.eod.500mg.total D.bol.1-5 weeks 50mg.ed.7 days a week Adex.start week 3.1mg.up to 1.5 if needed Pct. Week 1 750 mg test E + 800 mg deca (Front load) Weeks 2-5 500 mg test E + 400 mg deca Weeks 6-11 400 mg test E + 300 mg tren E + 30 mg dbol ed Week 12 400 mg test E I will use exemestane, cabergoline and HCG during cycle. I will try to explain: Cycle: 10 weeks Test E (2 x 250mg per week) 4 weeks Dbol (30mg daily) 10 weeks Arimidex (0.25mg daily) 9 weeks HCG (2 x 250ui per week) PCT - Nolva 40/40/20/20. It is even better to use it as a kick starter to a steroid cycle. Trying to be 225lbs by June.Try your cycle and do what works best. Wassup ppl I'm new to this site just wanna share information about the cycle I'm looking to take and hopefully receive some good advice from you more experienced and knowledgable users. 8 weeks Test P 175 mg/wk. First Cycle W/ Test E + Dbol 10-12 Weeks (Forum for members to post their current cycles and to keep us updated as to their results thus far. 4-pct will be for 4 weeks I can double the amount for Clomid or Nolva. Appetite is perfect. I always run a 2:1 ration test/deca, anadrol in the beginning, 50mg first 2 weeks, then a week of 100mg m-f, then add in the dbol later on in the cycle, just how I've run it in the past, you running a 20week cycle of test/deca? In this particular cycle (test/deca/dbol), it is most logical to use a long estered testosterone such as cypionate, enanthate, or the sustanon 250 blend (which is mostly made up of long esters). 500/mg week is a good starting point for 8-12 weeks although … Again, i watched my diet like a hawk, and made a 15lb increase with sub fat gain. and this will keep me more accountable. Test prop 100mg eod (weeks 1-10) Dbol 50mg ed (weeks 1-4) Winstrol 20mg ed (weeks 5-8) Hgh 3ui ed (weeks 11-14) Hcg ed (weeks 12-14) Tamoxifen ed (weeks 12-14) I have uses dbol before with no sides other than mild acne, but never winstrol, and never used orals for more than 3 weeks. Can somebody please help me and suggest the best way to setup a test e/deca/dbol cycle and the correct pct needed. Running this for 8-10 weeks. I’m looking for 10-15lb max lean then after 3 month I will use anavar only cycle to shred or harden ! 3-fair enough. I am prone to retaining water weight and possibly gyno irritations, with that said LiquiDex at .25 ED during weeks 1-5 ( dbol ) or weeks 1-15? 3) Test Dbol Cycle You cannot say Dianabol is used in the Testosterone Enanthate cycle, but you can surely add Testosterone in Dianabol cycle. Ok guys, i managed to get hold of some Test-E to add to the cycle. By week 4, when the Test kicks-in, you will be strong and huge. Week Test E EQ Dbol Aromasin 1 500 400 4 x 10mg/day 2 500 400 … As you may already know, there are several versions of testosterone with different esters attached to them. I have arimidex on hand.. How can i Incorporate the Arimidex into the cycle to be safe from gyno? Or do I need to take something else alongside the Dbol? This is my first cycle and I am very proud to be a member of this group and get tips and help from you guys. dbol is doing his job pretty well so far. Hi, looking for any advice , so i started my first cycle which is dbol 30mg daily for 5 weeks and test e 500mg a week for 12weeks, and started 2 weeks ago 5 December 2017. Here’s a look at sample 4 – 6-week Dbol cycle for you to try. Libido is kinda normal maybe a bit increased but not too much. For 12 weeks. 1-4 dbol @ 50mg ed. Week 1-8: Tren-E 300mg pw. Starting my first cycle in about 4 weeks Stats: Age:18 Exp:4 years lifting Weight:160 Height:5'9 Bf%12 Cycle like this Dbol-30mg ED for 6weeks Test E(Monday and Thursday) for 6 weeks 500mg PCT Nolvadex 40/40/20/20 Reason: want to gain an edge in hockey and grab a good 20lbs of muscle. What is included in this package: Testoxyl Enanthate by Kalpa Pharmaceuticals - 3 vial @10ml each vial with 250mg/ml.
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test e and dbol cycle 10 weeks 2021