UPDATE 03/09/2018: With Sony's recent update V5.50 there was an 8-minute time out on the UFB which has now been resolved - Download this firmware to update the UFB. Additional consoles include Nintendo Switch, Nintendo … This universal fighting board is an all in one solution for those customers that want to build their own fight stick or arcade machine and have multi-console compatibility. UNIVERSAL MODDING KIT: HYPER EDITION w/Brook UFB / Custom USB Cables / 20-pin and Touchpad Harness / Neutrik (Modding Made Easy Series) $ 135.00 $ 118.00 Sale. Taiwanese company Brook - designers of the popular family of Super Converters and one of the first manufacturers whose converters managed to gain tentative acceptance by EVO - returns with the a new solution. 1.2- Multi-console support:Compatible with Xbox One / Xbox 360 / PS4 / PS3 / PC / Wii U 1.3- No timeout issue:No 8-minute timeout issue on PS4 This common ground board is compatible with XBox One and PlayStation 4 as well as XBox 360 a Product . Bridge Generations With the Brook Universal Fighting Board Want to build a custom arcade stick that works on both the current and previous generation consoles? Home Download . Notice: In order to prevent unexpected errors, we recommend you switch to Xbox 360 mode manually before plugging in to PC which runs on OS earlier than Win 10. This is a Pin Header Pre-added Version!!! Brook UNIVERSAL FIGHTING BOARD PCB: PCB for Xbox One, Xbox 360, PS4, PS3, and PC Support: Overview: The Brook fighting Board is the perfect PCB board for your existing stick or for your new build. Well then look no further than the Brook Universal Fighting Board. PC . Manual . Download - Xbox one. The Universal Fighting Board is a robust, solderless PCBA that works with PS3/PC, PS4, Xbox 360 and Xbox One. The low … Does the Brook UFB have a SOCD Cleaner like the PS4+ and PS4+ Audio PCBs? Our Brook UFB are custom made specifically to work with these EZ Mod PCB's. Brook PCB Universal Fighting Board (UFB) Pin Pre-added for Xbox One for Xbox 360 for PS4 for PS3 for Wii U PC * The Brook Universal Fighting Board is a custom PCB that can make your arcade stick to work on Xbox One, Xbox 360, PS4, PS3, Wii U, and PC. With an upgradeable firmware, Lag Free Response and small form factor this board will help bring your game to the next generation. Following up to their Brook PS4+ Audio Fighting Board, Brook unveils it's PS3/4 Fighting Board Plus which takes out the audio portion as well as the break out board. 1.1 The Brook Universal Fighting Board is a custom PCB that can make your arcade stick to work on Xbox One, Xbox 360, PS4, PS3, Wii U, and PC.CAUTION!!! The Brook Universal Fighting Board is compatible with Xbox One, Xbox 360, PS4, PS3, Wii U, NEOGEO Mini and PC. Brook Fighter Support Return and Exchange Process Warranty RMA Location FAQ Where to buy Official Amazon Shop Official Amazon Japan Shop Official Amazon Canada Shop Where to buy English English 繁體中文. Some connectors are not compatible with this version of the pre-soldered UFB. This helped lower the overall cost from $64.95 down to $49.95, which makes it a very affordable solution for those who wants a PS3/4 PCB for the arcade The Brook UNIVERSAL FIGHTING BOARD PCB support manual selection of PS4, PS3, Xbox One, Xbox 360 mode and Wii U, suggest be set to Xbox 360 mode on PC. The Brook UNIVERSAL FIGHTING BOARD PCB supports Xbox One, Xbox 360, PS4, PS3, Wii U PC, Switch, NEOGEO mini, PS Classic and MD mini. (Hitbox) Just wondering if the Brook UFB has the same functionality as being to place jumper(s) to change the SOCD for Hitboxes.
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