crrow777 moon illusion
2009 is also when I started to go much more in depth on seeking out esoteric and underlying information on just what is going on. Here is the simple answer but it is among the hardest things a human being can do. ! that is fcking genius observation- As to the Moonstruck thing not happening again, sounds to me like the same thing that happens in hands on/distance healing; the more you try, the more you block. We are also told that most of the objects in this orbit are in the 180-400 mile range as anything lower would suffer from atmospheric drag. I think the description of “moon struck” was quite fitting. What kind of camera do you use? This brings us back to the lunar wave that was first filmed in the fall of 2012. People can say whatever they want but those people would be ignoring history. aside to totally emerse myself in the current thought experiment. I smell the smoke of a smoking gun- for young whipper snappers, go to a thrift store and buy a VHS tape player and ANY movie or preferably a homemade VHS (“Be Kind, Rewind!”). How are they able to get away with this gridding of the sky so blatently with no questions asked? I hope . The question then becomes – how do we know things? Pointing my satillite to different parts of the sky so I can get different channels is a facade. If it is not HD and high quality footage, it adds nothing to what we know. Then He said, ‘Go and greet those angels and listen to how they greet you, for and other biblical prophecies. I really enjoyed it. I think there is a difference as I am no longer using language to suggest a new model but there really is no way to start the conversation if at least that much is not said. 1:08:03. His information even caused me to start questioning Christianity – which is hugely problematic to my world view as I’m not a kid – I’m 31 now – and so my beliefs are formed – BUT I am open to any new ideas that “ring” true. Boy, you aren’t kidding about throwing away all received knowledge being the hardest thing ever. personally i can give up everything else but music. So my perspective on those who were cut off from the download are those who have been freed from the moon control mechanism download sessions and have woke up enough to open their mind to the possibility of the deceptions and control mechanisms that are in place. Once you know something it is far beyond belief or any need of defense. Depends on how normal they want the sight of a pissed off Aussie in shorts and thongs armed with a laser pointer and a shotgun loaded with No.4’s to be the last thing their expensive little toy records………. Sep 25, 2014 - Explore Debbie Earl-Frye's board "Unfocus 3D Images" on Pinterest. We take what we’re given Fear is the mind killer and remember deeds not words. I was at Epcot in Orlando in 2006 and saw it take off from there. Daylight savings has always given me the shits and now I know why. I have not seen a true newscast in recent memory – have you? I skipped right to the chapter about the Crucifixion so I’ll need to go back and get some context before saying anything further. Greg, I found your show because of crrow and I would thank him for that. Crow – you’re absolutely right and I cannot argue with that at all. . If anything your views and observations seem somewhat compatible. Though the fear keeps me moving The influences are all over the fkng place, no doubt, but they are influences, not commands or imperatives you must follow. (and all higherside chat). — You will need to use Google and or Bing to translate but this link leads to much more. My two cents: Being awake for the last five years, I spend a lot of time researching alternative topics. The moon is an illusion but not beca. Do this one simple thing using the moon as your subject of investigation and the things I have said here will begin to make more sense. Great discussion and review, lot of reflection has gone on since the first, glad to see and enjoy listening. And the ones who don’t have the lambs’ blood lose their firstborn, and the ones who go out that night surely perish. There is no footage of escape from our world as far as I can tell. I had to listen twice to make sure I caught it all. It is hard to know much of anything Hatybov – for sure, only what I can match to my understanding. Here you go! Keep up the great work crow. It’s a hollow play Dr. Simone Gold is one of the Frontline Doctors who has been speaking the truth about COVID-19, the treatment options such as … Lastly, combining all the experience and observation time I began to state that the moon we see may be a hologram which I later updated to refer to as a façade – that seems to be hiding something. Though the debunkers have showed up in force the truth is that many qualified experts in their fields have confirmed that the footage shows an event local to the moon. Can anyone clarify this? later in the USA. The problem is that this statement will instantly be dismissed as changes in lighting – but it is something else – so much so, that we often comment to one another at the outset of viewing sessions that we are looking at a facade. From: The Sharpening Report. Greg…naw bro…Fuckin’ naw bro…you’re fuckin’ out of line brah…fuckin’ reptiles and your fuckin’ bullshit. He developed the … If you have the desire to come to S.Florida(Boca Raton,Delray Beach area) to film I can put you up in my home or if you are anything like me and hate being at people’s home I can put you up at the Boca Resort(Waldorf Astoria) free of charge . The thing is – these words – without even much context – have an air of truth that I feel within. Thanks for this interview. So there’s a download at Easter, which is Passover in Judaism. I don’t think I understand how an AI would think and react. Good luck to you and looks like you have an interesting and awesome road up ahead of ya…buckle up! 1:05:43. And how about that bridge you came out from underneath. It should also be stated that I did not discover this anomaly and it has been described before by Russian researchers. Glad to hear daylight savings time mentioned. Several things I found interesting about this. If all is energy, then it is as likely there is a mental/emotional control as well as physical. My most recent videos have also been debunking Crrow777's so-called "Donut Ships" and "Shadow Ships", which I think you will also find interesting. Intriguing, because I was unaware that one of my favorite underground rappers was a Mason and had a cryptic video out there explaining this…. I had to pay to become a subscriber again but it looks like I’ll stick around this time. Steven e Tracey would be good to talk about 911 since he was fired from BYU for it. It is what it is and you know it – for a fact. I still have mad respect for you crow, I’m just questioning, I get what your saying, gringo, and I’m not convinced that the moon is a facade either, but the point is that Crow isn’t expecting you to believe him, he is just trying to plant a seed in people’sminds to look for themselves and make their own determinations based on objective reasoning, personalobservations, an open mind and use a sound set of critical thinking skills that you don’t get in our finacial banked/big businessbacked, slave controled school system and society. Man I hope this thread is still being noticed. I keep an open mind and I definitely like to That is a lie and the fact is that this single image has been passed off as additional Earth footage by reversing, flipping and color correction. , Oh and I’m married, so no worries…not trying to come off as a skeezah! TSR 238: Facing The Illusion | Crrow777 on Finding Truth, The Moon, and The Corrupt System . No North Star experience; I am too far South. It is covered with craters that, we are told, were made by space rocks impacting the lunar surface. There is a reason for this. Most of them, we are told, burn up in the atmosphere. Crrow777 | Belief is the Enemy of Knowing | Part 1 - Mel ... Crrow777 | Guest: Mysterious Radio. Here is clip of an object with thrusters and I have other footage of objects in a seemingly weightless environment Early on in my lunar observations I began to question the distance of the moon. For those who cannot accept the possibility of what this footage means, you may as well stop here. Get kerbal space program and you will understand why they turn. They are interesting reads. …rules that you go by to prevent being decieved in the future. , I’ve recently converted to Islam. I would be interested to know your opinion of what you disagree so strongly with. Again, I have no idea why. show future events using sounds and visions. While filming during the day I found myself shooting chemplanes at 7-9 miles in altitude. the 70’s to some high ranks of CIA and military personnel .in one of his interviews he actually describes Again, we live in an HD world! To date I have never filmed anything near the moon with the exception of lunar waves. The YouTube user has published a series of videos which crazily suggest the moon is a man-made illusion and covering something else up. A YouTube clip appears to show 'hundreds' of UFOs leaving the moon. On a better note, also figuring out I know a lot more than I realize I do. A nice linear diagonal line up the graph. For one, the idea of satellites, which can not be verified by any of the methods you employee with your equipment, was invented (at least conceptually) by an author of fiction. So if the moon influences the tides. Radio Host and Researcher, Crrow777 joins The Sharpening Report to discuss the nature of truth and how to find it. Mister Enigma says ships can be seen going around and behind the lunar surface - although it could be just an optical illusion. Then there’s twelve notes in the chromatic scale in addition to twelve tribes of Israel and twelve signs in the zodiac. alternative reality. Think I and probably a few others have a clearer picture. – If the moon controls our tides today – what would it do if it wasn’t here and then all of a sudden it was put here? 288- Medical Insurance, Sign of the Times - long-haired freaky people need not … Which is why, I believe, THC is just the cream of the crop of these shows. To be clear I should not have used the word “laws” I think. I am looking forward to Crrow tackling the magical aspects of the moon. To be clear I have images of the colors at the eclipse which is why I was and am in wonder of what it means. whatever you think of Ccrow777's hologram theory, he takes cracking shots of the Moon. Right now am ramping up for the road trip and have little time to deal with much else on top of shooting but your idea is good one. What could possibly influence general trends in huge numbers of people in ways that have nothing to do with mass media? My mind holds the key, I’m living in an age THE SHARPENING REPORT | I am not going to ask you to SUBSCRIBE, LIKE, AND SHARE but I appreciate it if you do! Crrow is the ONLY one in this space that is worth paying attention to. I am confused about the upgrades discussion. Its ok. You just have to get over that hump and either accept the responsibility of figuring things out for yourself or take the blue pill and live in the world of deceptions, purposely Croww777 u been debunked on you tube.Sorry but u r a phony.Look up croww777 debunked. Some years ago I began to notice very subtle differences in the appearance of the moon. Why are we still looking at an image of Earth from 1972? Please write more of them time permitting!! Really looking forward to your future articles Crow. Whose name I don’t know take your pick on what blew up any one, or more, ancient, advanced civilizations at some point in the long history of the earth that today very little is really known about ,and even less accepted as true. Unfortunately has not occurred again when deliberately gazing at the full moon, I’m guessing that the motion of walking combined with the fixed bright point in the sky, produced a sort of self-hypnosis. Here is an example of just such an effort by a PhD.c. Good call, that’s another great example of this same type of social programming. In short, I no longer accept that the moon is nearly a quarter of a million miles away and will be filming some firsthand experiments with my optical tools to further demonstrate this assertion. “The Only Certain Mind is a Closed Mind” This episode took me an entire day to wade through because it was so intense. Not easy to do…….. Generations before Adam, as well. In 2013, YouTube user Crrow777 started posting videos which he claims show proof that the Moon is a hologram. See more ideas about magic eyes, eye illusions, magic eye pictures. Thank you both for the AWESOME broadcast! This coupled with Kev Baker / Popeye about the matrix – THERE IS NO SPOON! It seems to signify membership in the global “space club” that operates above and beyond borders and government. And yet our world is still using an image of Earth we are told was snapped by Apollo back in the 70’s. This date is all over the media with some major and horrific apocalyptic theories He might suggest using his “laws” or more than likely suggest you make up your own, so that you and break free of the deception reality and find the truth to everything on your own as well. There is no better place to witness this encoded existence than movies, TV, music, news and media. I was Christian at the time, and he would wink when I would talk about He might of said that he wasn’t trying to make a case of what he believes but he does strongly. 00:00., Crrow777 – A YouTube user has published a series of videos which crazily suggest the moon is a man-made illusion and covering something else up.. Show The Sharpening Report, Ep TSR 238: Facing The Illusion | Crrow777 on Finding Truth, The Moon, and The Corrupt System - Feb 22, 2019 Huge shifts in water placements until a new balance was created more like we see now.. Just sayin. thank Crow for opening my mind to an Kidding – but you must know what I’m talking about, I’d think. One of the best thing crow has going for him is his work. Honestly, the first time I looked through my scope at the moon, my older brother happened to be there with me – who is an extremely well educated Doctor of Pharmacy, and I told him – “…wow, look at that, it doesn’t even look real…” And I just had this deep, deep feeling that what I was seeing was somehow off. Stay tuned on this front. There is also genetic evidence of some of these other humans mixing with sapiens sapiens. I can tell you, if you do this very simple meditation/visualisation at midday for the Sun and on the full moon, man, does it charge the batteries!! Crrow777 spends hours filming the Moon with high-definition telescopic cameras says years of research has convinced him the 'moon is a hologram'. And why is it that lunatics owe their sanity to the moon? After looking at Crrows work and listening to his interviews, I just have to say ‘thanks eric’, and although he had some good thought provoking evidence, the best thing I got out of his dissertation was Crrow777’s name. As a matter of fact, however, the latest capture was in Houston and I had been filming that night both before and after the instance of the wave. What I am wondering is, say the moon is some sort of control mechanism, the Sun is a worm hole out of here and the North Star is the thing that was worshiped in the night sky before the moon landed on the scene, linked with immortality; we have three potentially very different things going on over our heads, but they all offer a “free lunch”? I have never see anything but reds/browns and have no doubt a this point that lunar eclipses are a manipulated event. haven’t sleeping patterns changed quite a lot over time? December 13. he hard arc out over the ocean and the tape cut before too much is shown. I think this is exactly what most of us see and I know it is what I saw for most of my life. I’m pretty sure the flights from your area to here are pretty cheap and would give you a great opportunity to film on the East Coast. The camera?, the pollution in the atmostphere?, heat waves, ?. Copyright Crrow777 © 2012 - 2021. We also talk about other big themes in the conspiracy community, the details of the control grid we may be victim to, and the difference between belief and knowing. Thanks for outlining that Taoist meditation with the planetary energies, being a natal son of Big Jove, I like the idea that 4 is the apex of the cross. Although you may not agree with a lot of their “facts” based on NASA data, there is still a goldmine of info out there, work that good intentioned people have already done, just waiting for you to dive down into and pull out the giant nuggets (Christopher Knight, “Who Built the Moon?”). If he didn’t have so many great videos that made me scratch my head I would think he was nuts. In the episode it talks about Clarke being stationed at a radar installation during WWII. The fact is that we have been handed an endless line of dubious space images and we have been led to believe that said images were taken with cameras in the typical way one would imagine. Right now I’m sitting on hours of footage of the moon like always that I have to go through. And though I will continue to stand behind my research, this has been a lesson in what is required to challenge the status quo. Published: 2017-01-19 1:50:04 PM It's summer. Oh.. and search”Alexander Khatib Morozov”. I’m sure you’ve seen this ex nasa artist interview about fake earth photos, but in case you haven’t, here it is: What do you think? People do speak of text that talk about a time when the moon was not here. I have attempted to get this going but so far with no good response. The system will reach out over and over again to pull you back into the fold. and isn’t the 8hour sleep a relatively new thing? Shoot the Moon with Crrow777 | WSO Steve Olson on Patreon. NOBODY would recognize tape PLAYBACK artifacts until the 1980s and even then, no reference point would then exist until the millennial generation of youtube in only the last decade…. – previously of the Department of Physics and Technology Kharkov State University, Ukraine Crrow777… … People say they’re looking for truth – but when it comes to books like The Devil’s Pulpit – it’s like wow – I’m not sure how much more I want to know to be honest. As an experiment he tried to bounce a signal off the moon for a possible method of global communication. This is a good example of two things we often see. Desde: The Sharpening Report. In my view low quality video is an excuse for shenanigans. All I got is speculation, but there is no doubting the direct experience of how different the different energies feel in the body. Taoism and Witchcraft( not Wicca) 101 is “Eating” the Sun,(Golden) the Moon(Silver) and the North Star(Purple). With my no-budget equipment I could easily film a launch all the way to space and I have many clips that prove this. Stand by for fallout…, I have spent years and clocked many thousands of hours of lunar observation time. Or to quote your other guy hosting you on XM – “the fuck is the fuckin’ matter with you Greg? In the summer, they would hit a candle up. Maybe I’ll make a video and name it: “Moon Landing – Is it LIVE or Memorex?” I have yet to see ANYONE point out this subtle little moment that tons of peoples’ sub-consciences saw in 1969… look at the 20:25 mark to 20:36 of the original 1969 CBS coverage of the moon landing here:, Does anyone see the telltales of video tape playback in these 10 seconds? By that time – and even now – I can goto a Catholic Mass and have great feelings and memories but the symbolism – now that I know what some of it means – is just too overwhelming. But when I get to the doorway We live in the age of high definition everything. There is one thing I am aware of that cannot be destroyed by force or coercion, which may not be true for much longer given the state of technology. It's a real illusion. After all two countries, we are told, spent lord knows how much money, blood and effort just to call it a day when the first boot hit the moon. There is a reason. The YouTube user has published a series of videos which crazily suggest the moon is a man-made illusion and covering something else up. Replacing a fantasy with another helps no one. WE’RE FIXIN TA BURN IT ALL DOWN…. “The moon is not what you think it is”. The moon is not a rock in orbit around the Earth." What caused those waves, ?. Crrow777 | The Lunar Illusion, Dismantling The Control System They explained that they had been part of humanity from the beginning and were the “rulers of the universe” or the galaxy, something along those lines. We really are all connected to and part of one mind, the trends and influences directing it probably have a lot to do with the ordinary flux of many people focusing on the same ideas at the same time, and many other factors and influences going on at the same time. Getting back to Apollo we must ask – why did the US and Russia simply stop going to the moon when it seemed our very lives depended on it at the time? Using the tired 100th monkey as a comparison I will state how I think progress can be made. Like I said you can reach me at through the contact form. Why in the world would Russia, who was winning the space race, spend so much money, blood and effort just to walk away never having successfully landed on the moon? Set my body free This is why a camera doesn’t read the moon or scene at night as blue, but our brains interpret a coolness to night. I was explaining to my wife today, who has been a Registered Nurse for years now, about the ashes over the pineial gland situation and I actually – physically – got chills explaining it to her. I thought it was worth reposting here: “I have offered this up but I will mention it one more time as almost all of my efforts revolve around the concept of the Lunar Wave. I’d love to hear Mark Sargeant and Crrow and someone like Laird Scranton, who’s deciphering ancient languages and cosmologies in terms of particle physics, mosh. A YouTube user has published a series of videos which crazily suggest the moon is a man-made illusion and covering something else up. Great show. And while an animal may succumb to this temptation, a human being has the ability to persevere. Some people have said that their size is nothing more than an optical illusion after filming the moon for many years with a telescopic lens, and they are flying close to Earth, not going around the moon’s surface. Wrong again pleb, GET W/ THE ‘EFFING PROGRAM! As I shot objects that were mere miles away I found it increasingly difficult to accept the distance of the moon knowing that some of the craters I could see with my unaided eye were not that large. Crrow777 (@crrow777) Archives » Microbial Secret Society . Clearly cost is not the reason. Slow-Mo Moon Buggy 5 days agoA girl I’ve known for 35 years called me ... Rpg Tips 4 days ago (edited) @Jay Tee Con-scripted The illusion that it is noble and honorable. TSR 238: Facing The Illusion | Crrow777 on Finding Truth, The Moon, and The Corrupt System . Please email me at so w can talk. Be The First To Get Updates, Previews, & Comments. 149 views ... Crrow777 Radio Episode 070 SOLAR ECLIPSES AND THE ELUSIVE SNEAKY OLD/NEW MOON. I am tempted to do it on my own but if anyone wants to help please do not hesitate to contact me through the contact form located at – near the bottom of the page. The minister told me I may have generational curses, which to me was ridiculous. on his many interviews. This is a basic fundamental of orbital dynamics that cannot be fudged by “controlers”. Ignorant because you were too scared to step out of your comfort zone. Our site is fully secured for your privacy! The following link will demonstrate where the road to discovery began for me and I will mention that what is shown in this video is proven, beyond doubt, to be local to the moon and in no way related to equipment malfunction. The entire NASA budget at that time was 5.3% of the national budget. You look around and wonder why others can’t see what seems so clear, and they can’t see things and can’t seem to rationalize things either.
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