Azure-Eyes, on the other hand, can add some extra protection for your Dragons, as the opponent can’t target them at all until the End Phase of the turn after the Silver Dragon was originally summoned. Lmao. Duel Links Blue-Eyes White Dragon deck build (2021), At least 1 The White Stone of Legend (Optional), At least 1 Maiden with Eyes of Blue (Optional), 1 Hieratic Sun Dragon Overlord of Heliopolis (Xyz), 1 Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon (Fusion – Optional), 1 Michael, the Arch-Lightsworn (Synchro – Optional). Don't give up, just throw in some more empresses and light rulers. If you have a Blue-Eyes White Dragon in hand, you can attack with Dragon Spirit of White and then, if your opponent still controls a monster, use its effect in the … Five cards you definitely have in it are Blue-Eyes Twin Burst Dragon, Azure-Eyes Silver Dragon, Blue-Eyes Spirit Dragon, Vermillion Dragon Mech, and Hierartic Sun Dragon Overlord of Heliopolis. 遊戯王デュエルリンクスの、セイヴァー・スター・ドラゴンデッキについて紹介。おすすめのキャラスキルから回し方、対策カードまで掲載しているので、デッキ構築の参考にど … [Feb 2021], Blue-Eyes Synchro: deck recipe [Feb 2021], Really do not understand the point of having 3 solemn scolding. French Si cette carte est dans votre main ou Cimetière : vous pouvez bannir un total de 2 monstres EAU et/ou de Type Dragon (cette carte exclue) depuis votre main et/ou Cimetière ; Invoquez Spécialement cette carte. Duel Links. You are rarely going to Summon Millennium-Eyes Restrict, but it’s still a nice card to have in your Extra Deck. This deck will be better if we had daigusto phoenix. Lastly, let’s talk about Vermillion Dragon Mech and the Hieratic Sun Dragon Overlord of Heliopolis. In this guide, I will introduce Skill that suitable to use in the Cyber Dragon deck, Core & Tech cards, Strengths & Weaknesses, and some Matchups Information. Ultimate Dragons, which we have listed as one of the better overall skills in the game, can not only add some pretty powerful Fusion monsters to the Extra Deck, but also add a Polymerization to hand if the turn player has at least two Blue-Eyes White Dragons to hand. I would rather use Venus + Shine Ball, and use something like Junk Synchron to re-use them in the graveyard just to get another wincon, in case something happens to Light Ruler. Battle Tuned Synchro: deck recipe [Nov 2020]. If you Set Solemn Scolding on Turn 1 and use it on your opponent’s turn, you will be able to activate Cyberstyle and Special Summon Arcana Force EX - The Light Ruler or Cyber End Dragon for a massive direct attack. When The Light Ruler is Special Summoned, you toss a coin and, depending on the result, it gains a different effect. Use Cosmic Cyclone and Hey, Trunade! Duel Links community day by day to provide quality guides and the latest news. . Cyber End Dragon is your alternative winning condition. You can only use the effect of "Lightning, Dragon Ruler of Drafts" . Use Flute of Summoning Kuriboh to Special Summon Winged Kuriboh directly from your Deck in Defense Position and stall until you have Arcana Force EX - The Light Ruler or Polymerization available. Solemn Scolding can only be activated if it’s the only Set card in your Spell & Trap Zone. Looks like a really powerful monster, maybe Obelisk will be jelaous. Where the hell are the obligatory 3 junk syncrons, 3 canadias and 2 econs??? they cannot be tributed or be used as synchro material, but it seems Konami forgot a summoning condition that says "send to the graveyard" exist. If The White Stone of Ancients is sent to the Graveyard, the turn player during the End Phase can Special Summon a Blue-Eyes monster on to the field. New player guide: What packs to buy first? As far as Skills go, your best bet is to use one of two abilities that can help maximize the archetype: Alternative Evolution & Ultimate Dragons. Normal summon nettles, dark verger effect is... Synchro Summon Guide: The Advent of Synchros in Duel Links. Microsoft and partners may be compensated if you purchase something through recommended links in this article. Other cards you might want to consider adding, if there’s room, are Maiden with Eyes of Blue and The White Stone of Legend. Arcana Force EX - The Light Ruler is a 4000 ATK monster that can only be Special Summoned by sending 3 monsters you control to the Graveyard. Yu-Gi-Oh! Should be uploaded in the next few days. Stardust Dragon Deck Duel Links Skill Effect Unlock Mark of the Dragon - Head At the beginning of the Duel, add 2 "Junk Synchron" to your deck and 1 "Stardust Dragon" to your Extra deck.
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dragon ruler deck duel links 2021