Collectively, the public (government) insurance sources captured all 68 million individuals nationwide who are insured through these plans. As described elsewhere,13 we developed and tested several algorithms to identify people with MS using AHC datasets compared with physician-adjudicated MS cases as the reference standard. For more info and to apply, Brain Meeting *this Friday* at 3.15pm!Join us to hear Dr Lasana Harris (@lasana_harris) discuss "How is Human Social Cognition Special? ), Max Rady College of Medicine, Rady Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada; University of Alabama at Birmingham (G.R.C. NOTE: The first author must also be the corresponding author of the comment. Research Faculty Directory; Research Resources. The United States includes 48 contiguous states, Hawaii, and Alaska. Sensitivity analyses examining the effects of including or excluding KPSC from the West region were conducted, and the findings did not differ significantly (data not shown). The corresponding female:male ratio was 3.1. Similarly, the age-stratified prevalence estimates for Northern Ireland, United Kingdom, in 2004 were slightly higher than our age-specific estimates for the following age deciles: 25 to 34, 25 to 44, and 45 to 54 years.23 MS prevalence in older age groups was slightly higher in the 2010 US population. Funding information and disclosures deemed relevant by the authors, if any, are provided at the end of the article. The prevalence estimates reported refer to the adult population. The lower-level estimate is based on a dataset adjustment (3-year vs 10-year) for a government insurance carrier for a segment of the population. FindAPhD. P. Dilokthornsakul receives research funding from Pfizer Thailand and the Thai Traditional Medical Knowledge Fund. Enter and update disclosures at In each dataset, we determined the 3-year cumulative prevalence overall and stratified by age, sex, and census region. Higher and lower estimates adjusted to 2010 US Census based on combined datasets from the multiple sclerosis (MS) algorithm inclusive of the following: Truven, Optum, Department of Veterans Affairs, Medicare, and Medicaid (full data available for all age and sex estimates in data table e-7 available from Dryad, These included a denominator file for all enrollees, including dates of insurance eligibility, sex, year of birth, and geographic region of residence. M. Wallin has served on data safety monitoring boards for the National Institutes of Neurological Disease and StrokeâNIH, is a member of the NMSS Health Care Delivery and Policy Research study section, and receives funding support from the NMSS and the Department of Veterans Affairs Merit Review Research Program. Understanding how the human brain normally generates our behaviour, thoughts and feelings helps us to identify what goes wrong in neurological and psychiatric disorders and how these disorders might best be treated. A strength of our study is the validation of our algorithm against an available gold standard, that is, medical records in multiple datasets and health systems.13 Our approach also accounted for the complexity of the current national health care system.1 To address the need for accurate morbidity and mortality data for neurologic conditions, a national surveillance system approach compiling electronic AHC datasets and vital statistics would be a logical way forward. ), Washington, DC; University of Maryland (W.J.C. SAS version 9.4 (SAS Institute Inc, Cary, NC) and SPSS version 22 (IBM Inc, Armonk, NY) were used to conduct the statistical analyses. By applying a validated case algorithm for MS to multiple large AHC datasets, we aimed to generate a robust national MS prevalence estimate for the adult population, stratified by age, sex, and region. From the Department of Veterans Affairs Multiple Sclerosis Center of Excellence (M.T.W., W.J.C. The annual cumulative prevalence of MS in the United States for 2008 to 2010 using the MS algorithm is displayed for the 2 private health insurance datasets (OP and TH) and the 3 government insurance datasets (Medicaid, Medicare, and VA) in figure 1. 'Royal Free Hospital'. The annual prevalence within a given dataset was demarcated as all those who met the MS case definition divided by the annual population at risk, defined as all enrollees â¥18 years of age at the beginning of the calendar year and with health plan eligibility for a total of 6 months within the calendar year. Because of the challenges in estimating MS prevalence for the United States, the National Multiple Sclerosis Society (NMSS) formed the Multiple Sclerosis Prevalence Workgroup, made up of scientists and policy advocates with the goal of producing a scientifically sound and economically feasible national MS prevalence estimate. These 17-year cumulative estimates approach lifetime prevalence for MS within the bounds of our AHC datasets. ); McKing Consulting Corp (W.E.K., L.W. Prescription drug claims included the name of the medication and the date of release. L. Wagner receives funding from the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry and NMSS. L. Chen reports no disclosures relevant to the manuscript. Thus, our prevalence results are consistent with recent reports of MS prevalence from other regions that examined the entire population. Andrew C. Schomer, M.D. Furthermore, diagnosing pediatric MS is challenging; the performance of our proposed algorithm would need to be tested in this population given the recognized differences in relapse rates, more prominent cognitive impairment that may affect health care use, and reported differences in performance of algorithms across the pediatric and adult populations in other chronic diseases.36,â,38 This work was out of the scope of the present project but should be pursued in future studies. The 2010 MS prevalence estimate cumulated over 3 years for the combined datasets was 199.84 (95% CI 199.83â199.85), corresponding to 470,053 people with MS. Search Funded PhD Projects, Programs & Scholarships in Neuroscience / Neurology in the UK. 2010 Prevalence for MS cumulated over 10 years in the United States per 100,000 population by age, sex, and geography, 2010 Prevalence for MS cumulated over 10 years in the United States per 100,000 population by age, sex and geography. The peak age-specific MS prevalence was 55 to 64 years, followed by 65 to 74 years. Submitted comments are subject to editing and editor review prior to posting. R. Marrie is supported by the Waugh Family Chair in Multiple Sclerosis and receives research funding from Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Research Manitoba, Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada, Multiple Sclerosis Scientific Foundation, Consortium of MS Centers, and NMSS. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives License 4.0 (CC BY-NC-ND), which permits downloading and sharing the work provided it is properly cited. If you click Reject we will set a single cookie to remember your preference. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. 1 WEEK LEFT! Search for PhD funding, scholarships & studentships in the UK, Europe and around the world. 24 months’ or less clinical experience, of which no more than 12 months (maximum) experience in any combination of the following specialties; Neurosurgery, Neurology, Neuro … **Career Planning resources for Core Trainees** Due to the Covid Pandemic, Round 2 Speciality recruitment has been brought forward and opens on Thurs 26th Nov.Are you currently an Core IMT, Psychiatry or Surgical trainee who may require support and guidance on: In the United States, recent data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention show a slight decrease in life expectancy for the US population in 2016,34 and the demographic composition of the US population is also changing.35 Future studies can use these methods to reassess the prevalence of MS and to examine how these factors affect the findings. Professor, Department of Neurology, Director, The George and Cynthia W Mitchell Center for Alzheimer's disease and Other Brain Related Illnesses Specialties: Mitchell Center for Alzheimer's Disease & Brain Disorders. B. Topol receives grant support from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the NMSS and contracts from the Agency for Toxic Substances and Diseases Registry. Chronic disease morbidity is challenging to assess within the United States because it lacks a unified health system, and limited infrastructure exists for identifying and tracking patients across their lifespan. Then play the entertaining games on the @_BrainExplorer App, a new #CitizenScience project developed by @ucl #neuroscientists. The prevalences for OP and TH are remarkably similar, while the VA sex-stratified estimates are highest among the datasets. This also accounts for the fact that our prevalence figure is most in line with the 10-year MEPS database estimate but with the advantage of a formally validated algorithm and a broader demographic sample. Low-income adults and those with particular disabilities may obtain health care coverage through government-funded Medicaid plans. W. Culpepper has research funding from the NMSS, receives support from the VHA MS Center of Excellence, and is a member of the NMSS Health Care Delivery and Policy Research study section. After adjustment for the uninsured and application of the lower-bound inflation factor to account for undercounting due to the limited period of observation, the estimated 2010 prevalence for MS cumulated over 10 years was 265.1 per 100,000 (95% CI 264.3â265.8), corresponding to 623,437 people with MS. Through the exceptional capabilities and caring spirit of its people, Vanderbilt will lead in improving the healthcare of individuals and communities regionally, nationally and internationally. Human neuroimaging allows us to non-invasively investigate brain structure and function. Read more about our clinical impact. Your email address, e.g. Therefore, we developed a common data dictionary and variable list for this study. Submit only on articles published within the last 8 weeks. Ultimately, the prevalence estimate of interest is lifetime prevalence, which is the proportion of a population that at some point in life (up to the time of assessment) has developed MS. Our rigorous algorithm-based approach to estimating prevalence is efficient and has the potential to be used for other chronic neurologic conditions. Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. on behalf of the American Academy of Neurology. 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