However, research is NOT necessary for a fellowship, unlike say peds surg (gen surg fellowship). That could be ortho. I know surgeons working at Kaiser that work 35-40 hours a week and make 400k. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement and Privacy Policy. Depends on the program. An orthopedic surgeon specializes in the treatment of muscles and bones. Thus the fellowship heavy training, which leads to even less that residents do (as fellows do all the surgeries). He is capable of doing cases proximal to the elbow; however, he seems reluctant to do so when he's in a proctice with orthopaedic sureons who are more familiar with that region. Let me explain. They thought I said Ortho because I'm a pretty big guy (definitely big for an Indian guy) and a big Lakers fan. [–][deleted] 10 points11 points12 points 16 days ago (1 child), Ortho is probably the biggest self selecting based on personality specialty in all of medicine behind neurosurgery. If you're taking care of lacs in the ED, be willing/able to sew it up. On the downside, it's gen surg and it's intern year. [Shitpost] Reminder to read all of your daily emails because they’re super important. Rotations vary between programs, ours included ICU, vascular, cardiothoracic, urology among others. The short answer is, the best correlation is still STEP 1 scores and SAT/MCAT scores. The Broward program, which is a dually accredited AOA/ACGME orthopedic surgery residency, recently received 450 applications for 3 training slots. Learn how to splint well. Now, we have a guy that operates on the left shoulder exclusively (/s). Ortho has like 97% or some crazy shit of attendings answering yes to “would you pick your speciality again?” That should tell you everything you need to know. [–]NoCriticism1549[S] 5 points6 points7 points 16 days ago (0 children). This is also the time when you start applying to fellowships. [meme]. Depending on the program, you should be mostly surgery heavy. Posts made by accounts with less than 10 comment karma or less than 3 days old will be automatically removed. Our rotations at that time were trauma, joints, and spine. Depending on the program, you should be mostly surgery heavy. Misc: Board exams are 90% pass rate. The moderators of the /r/MedicalSchool subreddit do not officially sanction/endorse any channel or take responsibility for any happenings within any channel. I want to be able to medically manage my patients and not give up any one particular area of knowledge. Any and all responses welcome! Thanks for this!! We did month long blocks: 4 months on the general surgery services, 2 months at the VA, 1 month SICU, 1 Trauma, 1 Vascular, 1 Peds, 1 Transplant, and 1 CT surgery. But i think unlike the other subspecialty surgical fields, the volume of ortho is IMMENSE. This subreddit is not a place to spam your blog or solicit business. I'm asking because I think in medicine there's a lot of pressure from peers to do the hardest thing or work more and if you choose an easier route (not that Ortho is easy but it certainly doesn't suck as much as gen surg) then you're seen as lazy. skin/soft tissue? AMA-style threads are not allowed without prior moderator approval. That's something I'm not super keen on losing, [–]Jglash1 3 points4 points5 points 15 days ago (0 children). Our rotations at that time were trauma, joints, and spine. Typical operative volume for intern year was ~100 cases - mostly melanoma/breast/hernias with the occasional lap chole and appy. ALL QUESTIONS GERMANE TO PREMEDICAL STUDENTS microvascular repair? They absolutely love what they do but you should only do it if you love the subject matter, [–]u2m4c6 6 points7 points8 points 16 days ago (0 children), For sure, but that stat is still pretty impressive to me, [–]ArendelleAnna 24 points25 points26 points 16 days ago (1 child). Please include one of the following in your submission title, as appropriate for your submission (and include the brackets!) should be directed to the PREMED subreddit. We do that. As a surgicalist, i work seven 24 hour shifts a month and get 23 days off, so my lifestyle i would argue is better than most. In the cities, it's not a big deal because there's enough super specialized surgeons to fill all the gaps. General surgeons do have hand questions on in-training and board exams. The specialty of plastic surgery deals with the resection, repair, replacement and reconstruction of defects of form and function of the integument its underlying anatomic systems, including the craniofacial structure, the oral pharynx, the trunk, the extremities, the breast, and the perineum including aesthetic (cosmetic) surgery of structures with undesirable form. This i believe has since changed, but 2nd year involved two 36 hour shifts … I'm not asking rhetorically? Company makes anatomy models for teaching anatomy. [–]EmergentMedicine 64 points65 points66 points 16 days ago (2 children), [–]FLEXMCHUGEGAINS 7 points8 points9 points 15 days ago (0 children), [–]NoCriticism1549[S] 4 points5 points6 points 16 days ago (0 children), [–]u2m4c6 27 points28 points29 points 16 days ago (2 children). Also, we have had many residents not AOA or had a Step 1 score below 230. I have only had one week of exposure on each during MS3 year and am having a really tough time deciding on a 5 day snippet of a potential career. Some traditionalists do not want to give up that â aâ because, as they point out, pedo also translates as foot. yep. Brain/cancer mostly, and they get a CUT in pay.
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general surgery vs orthopedics reddit 2021