A testament towards how much Dutch values loyalty can be seen in his relationship with Micah Bell. Dutch pays her gold to lead them through the cave, to Aguasdulces. Dutch orders Arthur to meet up with him and a group of Wapiti Indians led by Paytah and Eagle Flies. "Greta Van Der Linde. Dutch quickly sees a way to cause a distraction in the sugar refinery. He saw himself as a symbol of the Wild West in its romanticized form, and a humanitarian champion of the people, opposing government control, supporting individual liberty and punishing general human cruelty and selfishness. After Arthur is saved by Eagle Flies - who is mortally wounded in the process - Dutch denies leaving Arthur to die when confronted and rides with back to camp. They encounter Sheriff Gray who has captured Trelawny, due to him running an illegal gold prospecting operation. They then set sail for the mainland at last. Food. However, reinforcements arrive and swarm the would-be-ambushers. Join Facebook to connect with Greta Linde and others you may know. This resulted in Dutch trusting in Micah so much that when it was revealed that the latter was the Pinkerton spy, Dutch couldn't bring himself to admit this fact, even after Micah had shot and killed Susan Grimshaw. “Greta Van Der Linde Loving mother to her son Dutch There was grace in her steps, love in every gesture. During the first chapter, he wears a black, knee-length winter coat and rifleman gloves, and when he attends the mayor's party, he wears a black three-piece suit and a top hat, but with his bow tie and waistcoat being an off-white silver. He had the utmost faith in his gang to overcome almost any situation regardless of the odds and regarded his most capable lieutenants such as Arthur Morgan and John Marston as his collective ace in the hole. His mother, Greta van der Linde, enters the room. 159 notes Nov 22nd, 2018. John and the Lawmen pursue Dutch on horseback after realizing he escaped in an automobile parked outside the bank. Following the robbery, the gang learn that Abigail has been arrested for murder. Despite his brutal ways, Dutch is shown to be educated and, unlike many outlaws, genuinely believes he is committing these crimes for idealistic reasons rather than greed. However, Dutch is holding a young woman hostage at gunpoint. https://www.reddit.com/r/reddeadredemption/comments/cytbkf/i_am_benjamin_byron_davis_the_actor_who_plays/eyu2t24/, https://www.reddit.com/r/reddeadredemption/comments/cytbkf/i_am_benjamin_byron_davis_the_actor_who_plays/eyu8uc0/?context=3, interview with Dutch's actor, Bejamin Byron Davis, https://reddead.fandom.com/wiki/Dutch_van_der_Linde?oldid=415674. As these locations serve as a monument to technological and industrial progression and government-enforced order and peace, all of which Dutch violently opposes. The gang members storm the manor and slaughter the vast majority of the Braithwaite family. Loving mother to her son Dutch. Dutch is seen with his own unique hunting knife, although it is never used. Realizing the warship has to be stopped, the gang begin an assault against it, and the warship is eventually sunk by cannon fire. Under heavy fire, they make little progress until Arthur's force arrives, at which point they begin to drive back the enemy. Additional info. He appears slightly paler, due to his living situation, and his forehead wrinkles have become more prominent. At some point during or prior to 1907, Dutch reunites with Micah, who is now in charge of his own gang, and together they finally retrieve the money from the failed ferry robbery. Family For those gamers who love 'Red Dead Redemption 2', we will be discussing those important details and a bit of background that will help you along the way in finding out all you can about Dutch Van Der Linde. The gang then retreats to the rebel outpost of La Capilla. Unlike before, he started to value Arthur's opinion less and less due to doubts he had in him and would consult with Micah more because he'd never question Dutch. A shootout erupts, with Dutch, Arthur and Micah eliminating them. Sometime later, after considerable persuasion from Micah, Dutch decides to attend a “truce” meeting with Colm O'Driscoll. Annoyed. Aware that Colm had escaped the past two times, Dutch and Arthur attend his execution disguised as police officers with Sadie to sabotage any rescue attempt. Affiliations يمكنك عرض الملفات الشخصية للأشخاص الذين يحملون اسم ‏‎Greta van der Linde‎‏. Nicknames Afterwards, Dutch and Sadie return to Beaver Hollow. 1911 With Fussar shooting at them from a tower with a machine gun, Dutch and Hercule draw his fire and allow Arthur to eliminate Fussar and the tower with a cannon. During the final days of the Van der Linde gang, Micah became Dutch's most trusted consultant; unlike Arthur, Micah never openly questioned any of Dutch's actions no matter what they were. After Arthur suggests letting John and his family go too, Dutch becomes furious, but quickly calms down and seemingly agrees, although it is apparent that he does not take the agreement seriously. Although Bill lacked conventional intelligence, he came to value his loyalty. Dutch and Arthur rest for a short time at La Capilla, before they both go to rescue Javier, who was captured in the battle with the Guarma military. Later, Dutch and his gang surround the Blackwater Hotel while John and Professor MacDougal are inside. Dutch shows a common disgust and contempt for urban cultured towns like Blackwater or industrialized cities like Saint Denis. Arthur and Dutch succeed in saving his assistant’s life when it is threatened by a huge alligator which is infamous in the swamps they're wading in, and the fisherman keeps his promise. Although it is never expressly revealed as to whether they were his precise target, Dutch appears to be a frighteningly skilled shooter, as he is able to shoot John's binoculars from well over 100 feet away. Dutch gives an inspirational speech to the gang and heads out with Arthur to meet up with either John or Micah, who went scouting. Several members of the gang were orphans, minorities, town drunks or former prostitutes; people who had felt they had no purpose until they joined the gang. After fighting to the warehouse doors, Dutch and Arthur search the building to find the state bonds, which Dutch eventually finds. At the peak of his power, Dutch displayed genuine compassion for his fellow gang members and treated them as family members in a way that made them feel appreciated. Years later, upon realizing that Marston never betrayed him after all, Dutch admitted to John that he made a mistake, but immediately and callously brushed off the betrayal by saying, "I never claimed to be a saint". Join Facebook to connect with Greta van der Linde and others you may know. Hercule Fontaine, the revolutionary leader tells the gang to follow him. Dutch and his gang reluctantly travel into the heart of the blizzard in a wagon convoy, where they rest up in a small abandoned mining town called Colter. His paranoia and disdain for the "doubters" is shown when Dutch leaves both John and Arthur to die, as well as leaving John to be arrested by Pinkertons during the bank robbery in Saint Denis. He also consciously leaves the Blackwater money behind, financially securing Sadie, Charles, and the Marston family for life. Rains Fall then steps in and begs his tribe not to go to war again, still remembering the death and destruction they suffered in their previous campaign against the military. As his behavior grew more aggressive, violent, and erratic, so did his plans. clothes knitter Hosea states that Dutch and him met "around" 1878, but an in-game newspaper recounts a job the duo did in 1877. After killing a scout, John picks up his binoculars. Following the Van der Linde gang's demise in 1899, Dutch had not been seen nor heard from for several years. At the age of 15, he left his home as he was a disobedient child and rarely got along with his mother, who died in 1881 and was buried in Blackwater, although Dutch only found out several years later from an uncle of his. Alexander Van Der Linde (distant relative) Dutch Van Der Linde (father) Location. After a quick discussion in which Dutch learns of Arthur assisting Rains Fall behind his back, the majority of the gang follows Eagle Flies. By 1899, Dutch was reluctantly starting to realize that the way of life he held so dear was quickly becoming an unrealistic proposition and that the days of the Wild West were coming to an end. Knowing he can't go to Strawberry himself due to being wanted in the area, Dutch sends Arthur to break Micah out. Occupation Despite the gang's code, Micah quickly points out the risks of making a rescue attempt and presses Dutch to abandon her. Dutch manages to do so from about a 70-degree upwards angle, with the wind, cold and gravity effects of being on a mountaintop working against him, and above all with a single shot from what is meant to be a mid-range pistol, taking little over a second to correct his aim. Dutch uses the natives hatred for the government and modernization to persuade them into attacking and harassing settlers outside of Blackwater. In John's case, Van der Linde was secretly enraged that Marston wished to be with his family; this was proof of disloyalty in Dutch's eyes, and his action of abandoning John, lying to Arthur about the circumstances of this and then denying it when confronted by John add to the examples of his tendency to lose interest in anyone who did not follow him blindly, as he perceived them to be a traitor. In order for them to proceed, Charles distracts some Pinkertons guarding the area, allowing Dutch, Arthur, Micah, Bill and Javier to stow away on a boat destined for the south pacific, with the intention of coming back for the others later. With the addition of the Liars and Cheats DLC pack for Redemption, Van der Linde is also a multiplayer character model that may be selected in the 'Damnation' section of the Outfitter. After the robbery, they lingered in town, going to hovels, shanties, and orphanages handing out money, still envisioning themselves as 'Robin Hood' figures. The Count, Hoagy MacintoshFeatherstone ChambersAiden O'MalleyYankee. But a photograph of the gang in his shop reveals he still reminisces abou During the escape, the trolley that the three are in derails and crashes, with Dutch suffering a concussion in the crash as well as a head injury that he insists is nothing to worry about. After searching the house, they find a hysterical victim of the O'Driscolls named Sadie. The events of Blackwater shook Hosea's faith in Dutch, though he admits that his faith in their mission had been dead for a long time before this. Pouco se sabe sobre seus dias mais jovens. 1907 The specifics of the heist are never fully revealed, but it's known that Dutch killed a defenseless young woman named Heidi McCourt during it. The caves lead to atop a mountain cliff where John holds Dutch at gunpoint. Dutch intervened saving the boy's life and inducted him into the gang. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. That’s really what it says? Because of his father's death, Dutch seems to have developed a grudge against Southerners. This event caused Dutch and Colm to become arch-enemies and sparked a years-long blood feud between the two rival gangs. Dutch left both of them for dead for the same reason he killed Micah, because Dutch thinks about Dutch. Dutch van der Linde Javier came to value and idolize Dutch's philosophy and became one of his most loyal members.
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