hite report excerpts
The hite report on male sexuality pdf Slideshare uses cookies to improve functionality and performance, and to provide you with relevant advertising. Explore Fundraiser Perks The extensive excerpts from Hite's widely discussed and influential first survey and two later books on sexuality and love provide a coherent overview of her work over the last 18 years. And published the results. I saw an armadillo in my backyard the other day. Men’s are much better. I think that’s one great big male porno trip.”, 19. Shere Hite. "Hite did not create the clitoris or discover the female orgasm, but she pointed a lot of women — and men — in the right direction." “Sex with a woman for me has involved pressing mound of Venus against mound of Venus on each other’s leg.”, 4. If “singing together” is lesbian sex, someone needs to tell the cast of Glee. I swear to god that is so something that would happen to me (I’d be the one saying it). … I recently found out that my great-grandmother’s sister (great aunt?) “At seven, I used to become highly aroused fantasizing kissing a certain girlfriend. Add to cart. t a language at teaches real-life conversations in a new language, like spanish, french, german, italian, and more. In 1987 Hite published an update of her first study, The Hite Report on Women and Love: A Cultural Revolution in Progress, the content again culled from questionnaires.That book's revelation that 98 percent of American women found their sex lives lacking stirred … #17! Advertisements were placed in Ms. magazine and church newsletters, two sources that presumably would target very different groups of women. Hite circulated a lengthy questionnaire through women's magazines and to passers-by on the street in the US in the early 1970s. After the sexual revolution in the 1970’s, women’s sexual pleasure was considered acceptable—but only if they fulfilled traditionally feminine roles in mutual sexual pleasure with men. Its main products are beer, rice wine, and mineral water. New life goal: to be asked, while having sex, what kind of animal Arthur is. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MoqThhEAzN0, you can thank me later. Back when I “officially” came out at 18, my Aunt gave me a copy of this saying she’d read it and thought it might be helpful to me. "The Hite Report on Male Sexuality" will teach you a great deal if you're willing to hear what the men in this book have to say without growing defensive, and if you're willing to be open-minded and withhold judgment, you will learn. To answer sensitive questions dealing with the most intimate details of women's sexuality, Hite's innovation was simple: she asked women, a lot of them, everything--and published the results. Mendeley_com. The Hite Report contained much groundbreaking information about women’s sexuality, particularly the sections on myths. Another myth discredited in The Hite Report is a woman’s appearance during orgasm. and then 8% as gay. I want to explore!! The Hite Report on Male Sexuality (1981) recounted the results of about 7,200 questionnaires completed by men. If it freaks her out, talk to her about it — she needs to loosen up.”, 9. When people ask what lesbian sex is, we can tell them “looking serious and talking about armadillos”. Hite's … Please keep in mind that comments are moderated by the guidelines laid out in our comment policy. Wo0t! Copyright 2009 - 2021 The Excitant Group, LLC. Find Dora Meyers online. A very cool, open minded and clearly progressive Catholic Nun. Whenever I hear about progressive nuns, I always remember this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jZ64VMUnIPo. Responsibility: Shere Hite. Search for more papers by this author. In the Andes the armadillo is also known as quirquincho / Khirkinchu. “Liz, my roommate, and I have oftentimes made love when one of us has emotional problems.”, this makes number eighteen a contradiction lol, “8% of respondents said they preferred sex with women, and another 9% ID’ed as bisexual or reported having sexual experiences with both men and women.”. ♥ I used to look at my (then) girlfriend and feel like I couldn’t contain all the happiness and love I felt. “Some times I think I could go straight from deep mouth kissing to clitoral stimulation to have orgasm. Select a resource from this list or click “search” to view all potential search results. That was a very useful fact. One time I scared away a girl I had just met by talking about how Pleakley from Lilo & Stitch is not evolutionarily viable because he has only one eye and would therefore have no depth perception…. “…and singing together”, aw. The Hite report on the family : growing up under patriarchy by Shere Hite ... and philosophical import of the famous Hite Reports on male and female sexuality and love and include extensive excerpts from the reports themselves. #17 had a real effect upon the makers of the L word too apparently.. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. To answer sensitive questions dealing with the most intimate details of women's sexuality, Hite's innovation was simple: she asked women—a lot of them—everything. Guess my childhood was wrong once again (in two ways because Arthur isn’t even an armadillo). Was reading the list all cool and casual then I got to #21 and I was like GOOD LORD. The Hite Report: A Nationwide Study of Female Sexuality was originally published in 1976 and reprinted in 2004 with an updated introduction by its author, Shere Hite. Rejecting the very idea of penetration as the sole definition of “real sex,” Shere Hite’s The Hite Report on Female Sexuality (1976) sought to understand how individuals regard sexual experience and the meaning it holds for them, using the clitoris as her critical lens. So there you have it. She is seen as an inspiration and role model for many feminist activists and writers for offering them radical new insights into female sexuality in western society. It discusses how they feel about … Oh, so there is going to be more? Thank god I learned how to use the card catalogue as a child or else I would’ve had to learn about armadillos the same way. #17 So true. That reminds me of a story my straight friend told me; she had sex with a guy and, well, it did nothing for her so to speak, and afterward he said to her, “Wow, you came so many times!” I was dying when she told me, lol. Already a member? Totes just read this entire post in a hippy chick accent while wishing my parents had birthed me in the 60’s and not the 80’s because…um…I uh…DAMN! $4.49 Free Shipping. Letitia Anne Peplau. The results will be published as an extended discussion of the replies, including many quotes, in the same format as The Hite Report on female sexuality. Follow her on twitter and instagram. “If you dig another woman, let her know — she may very well feel the same. “Its not specifically just orgasms we are talking about here,” she wrote, “we are talking about a complete redefinition, or un-definition, of what sex is.” Then I think of some magical heroine popping out of their vajayjay and saving the world, kind of like Disney’s The Little Mermaid when Ariel gets her voice and starts singing like a Siren on the sea shore as they orgasm together in unison. This is kind of like having a half birthday ;). The Hite report : a nationwide study on female sexuality by Hite, Shere. The 478-page book contains the self-reported results of about 3,000 of 100,000 questionnaires Hite distributed to women ranging in age from 14 to 78. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! Sometimes she pushes her mouth hard against me and shakes her head rapidly from side to side — I orgasm this way also. LoveIt. “The Hite Report” represents the culmination of this trend. I laughed so hard, because this is abolutely something I would say. Some analysts criticized her research methods as sloppy, while her defenders argued that those with a hidden agenda can criticize any piece of research on such methodological grounds. If everyone who visited Autostraddle today gave $2.56 USD, we’d meet our fundraiser goal. I like the sound of charangos (and quenas and sikus/antaras). At the beginning of each section, she also gives a concise overview of other research in the field, making The Hite Report an especially valuable tool for the casual reader. So much love! They are updated on a regular basis. “I want a woman lover — or more. cooooooolosseum. I could not have written that five years ago. i think so? “I’ve yet to meet a lesbian who uses a dildo. "Hite did not create the clitoris or discover the female orgasm, but she pointed a lot of women — and men — in the right direction." Many women, however, experienced shame as a result of masturbation. That wasn’t my intention with the joke — far from it, I was referencing that both Cara and Jaden…, “Wait, What’s Going on With Cara Delevingne and Jaden Smith? never would have thought to phrase it like that, but the feeling…when my girlfriend and i first started dating right in the very very beginning i was super overwhelmed with being in love for the first time and sometimes i would just look at her and say, “my heart is so full.” what i clearly meant was that my heart was having an orgasm. Awesome! The Hite Report: A Nationwide Study on Female Sexuality. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charango, More useless facts: (2017, May 17). The media view is of a panting, wildly arching creature. For her study, Hite sent questionnaires to three thousand women aged fourteen to seventy- eight; she tried to reach all geographical regions and several types of women. Some of them are still made with armadillo parts, but it’s illegal to take them across many international borders because of it. The Hite Report: A Nationwide Study of Female Sexuality was originally published in 1976 and reprinted in 2004 with an updated introduction by its author, Shere Hite. #18 – I will gladly show you that’s not true… :), These are hilarious. Publication date 1976 Topics Women, Sexual behavior surveys, Female orgasm, Femmes, Femmes, Orgasme, Vie sexuelle, Sexual Behavior, Women, United States Women Sex relations Publisher New York : Macmillan Bis zu diesem Zeitpunkt hatten fast ausschließlich Männer über die Sexualität von Frauen geforscht und… One myth is that women are irregular in frequency of orgasm and slow to arousal. The replies are anonymous, so don’t sign your answers. “Once we were hugging and kissing and starting to make love and all of a sudden she says, ‘What part of the world do armadillos live in? By about twelve, I was fantasizing necking with both sexes. In the drafts he was an armadillo, but at some stage the design changed to the indeterminate animal he is on screen today. Was a disgusting experience. It is a powerful and original analysis of the changing … If it freaks her out, talk to her about it — she needs to loosen up.”. Log in here. Psychology of Women Quarterly 1977 2: 1, 86-88 Download Citation. Close Popup. The Hite Report declares that orgasm is easy and strong for women, given the right stimulation; that most women have orgasm most easily during masturbation or clitoral stimulation by hand; that sex as we define it is a cultural institution, not a biological one; and that attitudes must change to include the stimulation women desire. Best feeling ever. >> babbel. It could have as much impact on sexual mores in this country as the Kinsey reports. Everyone have to deal with it. June is lgbt pride month. "The Hite Report on Male Sexuality" will teach you a great deal if you're willing to hear what the men in this book have to say without growing defensive, and if you're willing to be open-minded and withhold judgment, you will learn. Not everyone can give, but if you can, will you help us out? The intent of the report was “to discover how women view their own sexuality.” Five domains were assessed in the report: orgasms, sexual activities, relationship status, life stage, the ending. Hers did too.”. Publication date 1976 Topics Women, Sexual behavior surveys, Female orgasm, Femmes, Femmes, Orgasme, Vie sexuelle, Sexual Behavior, Women, United States Women Sex relations Publisher New York : Macmillan Collection inlibrary; printdisabled; internetarchivebooks; china Digitizing sponsor … '”, 13. The volume includes excerpts from her reports, notes on her methodology, and essays by other scholars supporting Hite's work. Word Count: 563. Many women mistook their orgasmic peak for the muscular contractions that follow because the peak itself is often so short. One hundred thousand women, ages fourteen to seventy-eight, were asked what they do and don't like about … Another myth discredited in The Hite Report is a woman’s appearance during orgasm. The intent of the report was “to discover how women view their own sexuality.” Five domains were assessed in the report: orgasms, sexual activities, relationship status, life stage, the ending. Get this from a library! Maybe I’m missing something, but is the 8% included in the 9%, or did they find 17% of women to be non-heterosexual? That is one of the most adorable things I have ever heard. To answer sensitive questions dealing with the most intimate details of women's sexuality, Hite's innovation was simple: she asked women, a lot of them, everything--and published the results. You’re not completely wrong about Arthur! Hite’s respondents did not perceive the urge to masturbate and the urge to have sex with a partner as separate. The Hite Report. We’ve discounted annual subscriptions by 50% for COVID-19 relief—Join Now. The Hite Report, first published in 1976, was a sexual revolution in six hundred pages. “Lesbianism in my view is a far-out alternative to always being underneath some man and being a baby machine.”, 20. www. Look at other dictionaries: Hite — Brewery Company Limited (hangul:하이트맥주) is a South Korean brewery company headquartered in Yeongdeungpo gu, Seoul. Crunchy on the outside, juicy in the middle….. aaaarmadillos! i think, “A hundred and forty-four women in this study (8 percent) said they preferred sex with women. All Rights Reserved. Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Images, Youtube and more on IDCrawl - the leading free people search engine. The intent of the report was “to discover how women view their own sexuality.” Five domains were assessed in the report: orgasms, sexual activities, relationship status, life stage, the ending. I hated women, believed perfection was male and I looked like a fairly successful imitation of a Barbie doll. Shere Hite's sample was made up of volunteers. It also encouraged women to take control of their sex lives. Thus, many of the women in Hite’s study found great physical, but not psychological, relief in masturbation. Clue: Hite of "The Hite Report" Hite of "The Hite Report" is a crossword puzzle clue that we have spotted 2 times. Or when she holds me this one way before sleep. The Hite Report, first published in 1976, was a sexual revolution in six hundred pages. once i interrupted cute cuddling to talk about palm trees and how to tell if they’re healthy. babbel's 10-15 minute lessons are available as an app, or online. Am I a bad lady-lover if I read “digital intercourse” and for a split second thought she meant sexting?? had been married to a woman for 40 years before passing away, I can picture her saying some of these things back then or even before then :). This is one of the better players: Hite noted that “one of the most striking points about the answers received to the other questionnaires was how frequently, even when it was not specifically asked, women brought up the fact that they might be interested in having sexual relations with another woman.”. Dude I was so confused about how they’d have internet sex in the 70s. Shere Hite's work was a thesis produced for her doctorate in sexuality. The Hite Report, first published in 1976, was a sexual revolution in six hundred pages. Shere Hite. "The Hite Report, published in 1976, examined surveys completed by 3,000 women and concluded that, for most women, conventional sexual intercourse was an ineffective means of achieving orgasm and that they did not need men and … Hite of "The Hite Report" is a crossword puzzle clue. Many people could not accept a book about sexuality from a former prostitute. “What part of the world do armadillos live in?”. from Shere. She is seen as an inspiration and role model for many feminist activists and writers for offering them radical new insights into female sexuality in western society. All of it and ‘singing together’ put a smile on my face. Women and Love is a much tonier production than either the original Hite Report or its 1981 successor, The Hite Report on Male Sexuality (which was intended to give women a similarly graphic overview of the male animal and, predictably, did not sell nearly so well). Federal law enforcement officials on Thursday arrested a man in Washington they call a “ringleader” in the recent attempt to destroy the Andrew … Woooo! 0025518518. I read “involved pressing mound of Venus against mound of Venus”, and all I could think of is “rub my royal lady-mound!” Oh Lip Service. I generally want closer relationships with women; I want to do all the things only men are supposed to do! “Once my heart had an orgasm” :) Love all these quotes. omg, ARTHUR IS AN AARDVARK? The Hite Report declares that orgasm is easy and strong for women, given the right stimulation; that most women have orgasm most easily during masturbation or clitoral stimulation by hand; that sex as we define it is a cultural institution, not a biological one; and that attitudes must change to include the stimulation women desire. “No woman has ever asked me ‘Didja come?’ They knew.”, 6. Arthur is an aardvark. Can I just say I’m loving gay history month? Read An Excerpt. The Shere Hite Reader: New and Selected Writings on Sex, Globalization, and Private Life contains a wide selection of more than forty years' of Hite's writings on sex as part of individual identity … A nationwide study on female sexuality«, 1976; deutsch »Hite-Report. The Hite Report, first published in 1976, was a sexual revolution in six hundred pages. It made sense what with how we like to process everything. Macmillan/McGraw-Hill School Division. In 2016, she was nominated for a GLAAD Award for Outstanding Digital Journalism. #12 is brilliant. Wants “to do all the things”! bah bah. Yeah in the books I think it’s a lot more obvious. I’m a woman, I tried just to know how was sex with another girl, even the idea didn’t attract me so much, I was curious and I know a lesbian that wanted me. ©2021 eNotes.com, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Before I was out, I used to work at a Catholic school with a bunch of progressive nuns and they were just the greatest ladies. Literatur von und über Shere Hite im Katalog der Deutschen … The Hite Report on Male Sexuality (1981) recounted the results of about 7,200 questionnaires completed by men. The Hite report by Shere Hite, 1977, Dell Publishing Co. edition, in English - 1st Dell printing. The following lines are excerpts from testimonies given by the study’s respondents, as quoted in the section of The Hite Report entitled LESBIANISM. And it’s great.”, 16. Hite Report, von der amerikanischen Sozialwissenschaftlerin Shere Hite im Jahr 1974 herausgegebene Studie über die weibliche Sexualität. Shere Hite, Hite Research International, PO Box 5282, FDR Station, New York 10022, Copies of the men's questionnaire are available from this address. Based on the views of 3,500 women, it challenged male assumptions about sex by revealing that many women were not stimulated by sexual penetration. I know exactly what you mean. The volume includes excerpts from her reports, notes on her methodology, and essays by other scholars supporting Hite's work. I still get that way whenever my girlfriend does her hair the way it was when we first started dating. The Hite Report, which has … The new book is designed in every respect to convey the impression that Shere Hite is to be taken seriously. Buy. Shere Hite. “Sex with a woman includes: touching, kissing, smiling, looking serious, embracing, talking, digital intercourse, caressing, looking, cunnilingus, undressing, remembering later, making sounds, sometimes gently biting, sometimes crying, and breathing and singing together.”, 18. Product Key … I just work here!” is…, The 200 Best Lesbian, Queer & Bisexual Movies Of All Time, Six Ways that 1950s Butches and Femmes F*cked with Society, Were Badass, Fringe Festivals are Weird in the Best Way, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YA0wikIePLA, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MoqThhEAzN0, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jZ64VMUnIPo, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vpXM9bj-WPU, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z7_0bLilhZA, http://www.autostraddle.com/how-i-left-your-father-a-lesbians-guide-to-divorce-135730/, Effing Dykes Presents: What Lies Beneath (Her Fingernails), The “Carol” Oscars Snub: The Problem Isn’t Lesbians, It’s Misandry, How to Have Lesbian Sex For the First Time: NSFW Sunday Special, 8 Books Featuring Big Queer Families, Found and Otherwise, Also.Also.Also: Hollywood Prefers Historical Lesbians, Because Who Needs Electricity When You Have Scissoring To Keep You Warm, Let’s Get You Some Perspective: A Tarot Spread & Reading to Close Aquarius Season, “Water Lilies” Is a Memory of Gay Adolescence. “If you dig another woman, let her know — she may very well feel the same. The media view is of a panting, wildly arching creature. Hite's resear Hite's: Sexual Honesty, By Women, For Women (1974); The Hite Report on Female Sexuality (1976); The Hite Report on Men and Male Sexuality (1981), and Women and Love: A Cultural Revolution in Progress (The Hite Report on Love, Passion, and Emotional Violence) (1987). Let's have a personal and meaningful conversation and thanks for stopping by! To answer sensitive questions dealing with the most intimate details of women's sexuality, Hite's innovation was simple: she asked women, a lot of them, everything--and published the results. I love it! Her research had much lower funding than Kinsey's and so was more limited in scope. The basic format for a web page differ slightly from that of a website: Note: this format is the same for online articles; page title is swapped for article title and website title is swapped for container title. Hungry Hearts Essays on Courage, Desire, and Belonging Essays on Courage, Desire, and Belonging Essays on Courage, Desire, and Belonging Edited by Walsh, Jennifer Rudolph Contribution by Luvvie Ajayi Jones, Amena Brown, Austin Channing Brown, Cameron Esposito, Ashley C. Ford, Natalie … It depends on my state of “readiness.” I like also to have my lover touch me very lightly, with her tongue and hands, all over my body, especially my buttocks and lower abdomen. In reality, an orgasmic woman is often rigid and tense, a physical response that her partner might misinterpret as pain, resistance, or disinterest. This was followed by The Hite Report on Male Sexuality in 1981 and The Hite Report on the Family in 1994. I really love this, it’s like getting a preview of the rabbit hole, before you actually fall down it at warp speed. “I’ve slept with about twenty men and one woman. Das sexuelle Erleben der … Shere Hite. In 1976, Shere Hite published The Hite Report, a monumental and groundbreaking study of female sexuality. Another seventy-three identified themselves as “bisexual” and eighty-four more women had had experiences with both men and women but did not answer to preference (another 9 percent).”. Our liking each other is now mutually understood and acknowledged.”. Buy. THE HITE REPORT: TWO PROFESSIONAL VIEWS The Hite Report: A Nationwide Study of Female Sexuality. Quotations from these questionnaires are used for each of Hite’s points and consume a sizable amount of all sections of the book. “The Hite Report” represents the culmination of this trend. I feel like I’m meeting ancestors I never knew I had. By Jonathan W. White Dream Reports Excerpts from the Dream Journal of Alexander S. Paxton, 4th Virginia Infantry R everend George Junkin was furious when he saw a secession flag flying over the main building of Washington College in Lexington, Va. A native of Pennsylvania, Junkin had served as president of the college (now Washington & Lee University) for more than a … 9780025518513. eBay Product ID (ePID) 2916521 . I want to go back in time and marry that lady. Next to the English version some reports are also available in another official language, mainly Russian. The extensive excerpts from Hite's widely discussed and influential first survey and two later books on sexuality and love provide a coherent overview of her work over the last 18 years. i could transcribe it from the book tomorrow, but that’s what it said, i think — the thing is that it’s a self-selecting sample, the women in the study volunteered to talk about their sex lives. The Hite Report : A Nationwide Study on Female Sexuality by Shere Hite (Hardcover) 1 product rating About this product. Don’t get mad at me! I’m pretty certain that was my ex-girlfriend. THE HELL. The program centered around a discussion of The Hite Report which had been on the best sellers list for over 12 weeks. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YA0wikIePLA Shere Hite being interviewed by Oprah Winfrey in 1978 The Hite Report, A Sexual Survey 03.03.1977 Shere Hite discusses her book about the high level of dissatisfaction among women. We applauded our final @pintofscience talk & … A woman will never have the pleasure that have with the penetration of a real dick. Pride in my part of the world is in November and we don’t have gay history as an official thing at all. “I think women often make love by talking a certain way, at least I do.”, 11. The company was established as Chosun Breweries in 1933. The HiT health system reviews cover the countries of the WHO European Region as well as some additional OECD countries. It … The Hite Report, first published in 1976, was a sexual revolution in six hundred pages. I’m totally cool with that. You've decided to leave a comment. Some of the stories may surprise you while others will be just as you suspected, but still these men need to be heard. Do not feel bad. All that showing of the TV show “Arthur” made me think they were completely safe! “Liz, my roommate, and I have oftentimes made love when one of us has emotional problems.”, 15. If you continue browsing the site, you agree to the use of cookies on this website. it’s not like hooooooome. bah bah. Over 3,000 women between the ages of 14 and 78 participated, sharing their intimate feelings about sex. White Arkitekter is an interdisciplinary practice for architecture and urban design. If you have the appropriate software installed, you can download article citation data to the citation manager of your choice. It is NOT necessary to answer every single question. That 8 Femmes scene is so important to me! There is only a very small percent of women that are really lesbian or bisexual. One thing — I guess it’s easier for me if we start lovemaking with our clothes on and do not have more than a minute’s interruption for removal of clothes. There are related clues (shown below). I got confused in #4, at first I thought she was saying they stopped during the sex to talk and then would go back to the sex (possibly after finding out where armadillos live). is it weird that i know exactly what she means? Hite found that most women achieve orgasm with ease during masturbation (a finding that other researchers had long ignored because they were discussing female sexuality in terms of male sexuality and thus focusing on intercourse as a means to orgasm). The Hite report : a nationwide study on female sexuality by Hite, Shere. Another useless fact: I just thought of the recent Anne Lister article when I read that, “November 1824 so with a sample like that, you’re gonna have high response rates amongst more sexually open people, or whatever, especially w/lesbian feminists, etc. ISBN-13. She was best known for The Hite Report: A Nationwide Study of Female Sexuality, which has sold more than 50m copies since publication in 1976. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for The Hite Report : A Nationwide Study on Female Sexuality by Shere Hite (Hardcover) at the best online prices at … I forget the rest of the song something something… and get along with each otherrrr. The Hite Report: A Nationwide Study of Female Sexuality was published in 1976.
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hite report excerpts 2021