Best Terran Counters vs Hydralisks . So, in the "Weak Against the Terran's" column next to "Roach", you will see that the Marauder and Siege Tank are both listed. This article aims to remove the ambiguity from the Lurker Contain and provide a solid counter and transition for Terran … Despite their attack range of 9, Lurker spines reach out 10 cells. This takes pressure off of the rest of the zerg's ground army, allowing it to incorporate squishier Hydralisks to deal with the Mutalisks. DKutrovsky New Member. Each spine that spikes out of the ground has an individual splash zone with a radius of 0.5. Don't use them solo though, protect them with a squad of marines or reapers and they'll rip Hydralisks to shreds from the safety of their huge range (13 in siege mode). Players must watch out for enemy Vipers or Ravagers that may snipe the Lurker. save. Don't waste scans. If you struggle to counter specific Terran unit in Direct Strike this can help you. Just as the title says, now that Terran have had their 0.1% of time not been king of the hill I feel like they are back and I can't see anything I can How to counter reaper as zerg - Desert Strike HotS It is very difficult for a Protoss to engage into a Lurker-based army, moreover, having a Lurker-based army get on top of a Protoss's base is disastrous. During this period Zerg maintains the dominant position and short of superior micro the Terran army is unable to engage Zerg. Thus, it is important for the Protoss to keep tabs on the Zerg's army's location with scouting units such as the Oracle and the Observer, and important to meet it when it tries to attack. This is part 3/3, in the other two parts we talked to pros about the terran and zerg balance changes, as well as the new map pool. If the opponent’s unit choice can be predicted, then Steamhammer can choose an optimized counter-build from the start. Reduces Lurker burrow time from 2 to 0.7 seconds and increase movement speed by 10%. Keep in mind that Lurker-heavy armies aren't very good at engaging directly into enemy armies, because the Lurker must first burrow, giving the Protoss army time to pick off the Lurkers or to retreat. siege tanks are also very effective against marines. Once a Terran reaches Science Vessel Tech they can begin transitioning into late game, either by taking a fast Third Gas Expansion or by attempting a Timing Push. A Hydralisk can be morphed to a Lurker when a Lurker Den has been constructed. They can hold ground and take control over tight corridors. First, Terran does not have to fear a push into his natural as long as he has detection provided by Missile Turrets. New Upgrade found on the Lurker Den: Seismic Spines. Lurkers are also very powerful against a Mutalisk-massing player, since they are usually paired with a lot of Zerglings and Banelings, which the Lurker deals with with ease. Beginner Terran Builds for Terran TvZ in StarCraft: Remastered Finding the best build to learn the basics in StarCraft: Remastered can be daunting. Lurkers also work well. Why are you asking such a question? They can be harder to deal with in a composition, but you can pull a couple thors into your army with vipers, or force an engage with lurkers which deal a lot of damage to them and require the terran to scan or have detection. Zealots with 1 attack upgrade only need 2 hits instead of 3 to cut down a Zergling. The only thing is Terran mech does not handle the Void Ray well at all. Either way a Terran player would be wise to put pressure on and end the game before Zerg gets too far along with Hive Tech. How to Counter Terran Units Oct 25, 2020. Lurkers have some effective use against Ultralisks, thanks to their bonus damage against Armored units. Importantly, this response works best when your opponent is on 2/2. 1. You can use both bio forces or air forces to counter the Void Ray. And no, definitely there isn't any easier method of … Depending on the enemy's composition, they can greatly improve the cost-efficiency of your army. This dichotomy allows for flexibility in the mid-game with the common theme of applying pressure and preventing a Terran third base. The Terran have the single most useful ability for that in the game, Scan! The Zerg Lurker contain is designed to prevent Terran from moving out midgame in order to facilitate Zerg taking their Third Gas Expansion. This page was last edited on 21 January 2015, at 19:30. When above ground, the lurker stands roughly twice as tall as a terran wearing CMC armor. Both players begin … It will stop large armies of zerg or protoss and will kill lurkers and other things. Not to mention how long they take to make and how much they cost. Thus in a Hydra/Lurker mid game, the Zerg must carefully balance the number of Hydras and Lurkers in their army to correctly counter the Terran's chosen unit composition. It seems to me you already know the answer. If lurkers, reavers, or hydras are dropped in your base, you may be in trouble. A Hydralisk can be morphed to a Lurker when a Lurker Den has been constructed. Make sure that you are attempting to move your forces around the map. When a new terran tank is produced and joins the fight, the lurkers move back to the ramp to engage the marines in the field army, to do the most possible damage while they can. If you are massing mech and the Protoss opponent starts getting Void Rays, it is time to switch. The third map is Everdream. Terran actually have the easiest time of all the races. The Lurker deals damage to all enemy ground units and buildings in a linear attack, similar to a Hellion. or do they run foward and stick their spiny head up out of the ground? 1 comment. Increases the Lurker's range from 8 to 10. A guide to StarCraft mode Direct Strike. Lurkers will almost always take a Reaver or Zealot Drop by surprise, and the Lurkers can destroy the dropped force in short order. Overlords are required to spot dark templars, wraiths and lurkers. Ghosts, liberators and tanks are all things you can use (although if your opponent is using vipers properly these units will just make you cry as they get yoinked over and over), but essentially to beat lurkers you just have to outplay your opponent like crazy since bio is really an inferior composition that is countered hard by lurkers. Terran actually have the easiest time of all the races. ZvZ is a fun matchup. Best Terran Counters vs Hydralisks . Upon seeing the unscouted Terran Battleships, the Zerg taps out and souL evens up the series 1-1. A well-spread line of Lurkers will take at least 2 Disruptors per Lurker, and with the long cooldown of 21.4 seconds, using Disruptors to counter Lurkers takes too long and costs many resources. This page was last edited on 17 November 2020, at 13:32. Get Hive for late game. Zergs will have an issue of matching the efficiency of Terran units 2 base versus 2 base. Lurkers can be used to help deal with Hellion counter-attacks by placing a few above a ramp. What units to build when playing as a Zerg in SC2: Direct Strike in 3V3 mode. Ok this has been bothering me for a very long time now, HOW do lurkers attack? Just as the title says, now that Terran have had their 0.1% of time not been king of the hill I feel like they are back and I can't see anything I can How to counter reaper as zerg - Desert Strike HotS Log In to add custom notes to this or any other game. Are you sick of Toxic Players, Bad Teammates, Hackers, Lurkers, Baiters and Griefers? Once you are sure that the Zerg is following 2 Hatch Lurker, send your first group of Marines to his Natural both to force Sunken Colonies and also to temporarily contain his Lurkers. No more Terran bio. 4775 Posts. 1. Like what others have said, roaches simply aren't cost effective once it's 200/200 versus 200/200. However, if they are not positioned well Lurkers will die faster and will be unable to line up good splash damage against the Ultralisks, as they have a high collision size. The proper counter to lings (or lings+banelings) is: Reapers in front (5-7 maybe) Using Lurkers against Terran can be a bit tricky. Siege Tanks - Easily the best counter to Hydralisks. Lurkers are particularly effective as a defense against enemy raids on workers. See those articles here, and here. Dropships were not always available, so Terran had difficulty dealing with the Lurkers before Dropships could be built. Immortals, disruptors, and archons can break through lurker walls as protoss, while medivacs can help terran bio compositions navigate around them. A realistic counter to carriers is goliaths, or mass wraiths. The effectiveness of this build lies in the fact that while Terran has detection in the form of the comsat station the Zerg army is mobile and large enough to prevent Terran from asserting map control. Blizzard Entertainment (14 November 2017). The Lurker deals damage to all enemy ground units and buildings in a linear attack, similar to a Hellion. You can use both bio forces or air forces to counter the Void Ray. During this period that Terran's mobility is restricted they have a few options. The Diamondback's upgrade is to give TvT a little more juice by providing a hard counter to Siege Tanks. Home--> Starcraft 2 Counters List--> Starcraft 2 Zerg Counters. Sanpao StarLeague Spring Cup Season 2: Korean Qualifier,, About Liquipedia - The StarCraft Encyclopedia. This chart details Terran Unit Strengths. There is a 0.125 second delay between each protruding spine, resulting in a full 1.25 seconds to fire an entire line of spines. Immortals, disruptors, and archons can break through lurker walls as protoss, while medivacs can help terran bio compositions navigate around them. This in turn gives Zerg enough time to respond. i mean wtf it doesnt make sense :S. You can also read my guide to Direct Strike for beginners.. Against Another Zerg. Observer + a few Phoenixes to lift them while your main army attacks from the front. Against protoss, both lurkers and mutalisks counter zealots; any lair tech works. > Battle cruisers also beat carriers nicely, but are slower and a good protoss > will just use hit and run atactics making the cruisers useless for defence. Banes for the hellbats, then hydras just for more deeps. In LotV, a Terran player is able to build Medivacs earlier than a Dropship was available in Brood War and lift his troops to another location. For example, on the "Marauder" line, the Marauder is listed as countering the Roach. They can also defend against drops and harassment very efficiently and are most effective against slow units or low-health units. You can build it at your Command Center and it allows you to scan anywhere on … minus_human Profile Blog Joined November 2006. To counter lurkers, detection is needed, and air units can pick off unsupported lurkers. They can stop armies at a choke point, keep zealots and dark templars away, and take down buildings. Counters are more important for Zerg than any other race, so be sure to study the charts below well. If you can keep air control you can slowly push by taking advantage of the siege tanks range 13 and sight 11. One of the bonuses of getting the engineering bay up is Infantry Armor Level 1 which makes marines 3 hit kills to lurkers(and 5 hit kills to mutalisks, plus reductions on ricochet). I'm a D2 Protoss and lurkers are the main thing holding my mmr down as I usually win when Zerg does something else, and I win most of my games against Protoss and Terran(My winrate against Z is under 40%) Starcraft: Brood War. Lurkers affected by Blinding Cloud will now only fire to melee range. An aggressive game of Zerg versus Protoss in StarCraft 2: Legacy of the Void. A few Lurkers at a chokepoint can hold off huge numbers of Marines and Firebats, even if the Lurkers are detected by the Terran. There … While in Siege Mode, tanks can kill several Hydralisks with only two shots. share. How to Counter Zerg Units; How to Counter Terran Units; How to Counter Protoss Units; SC2 Direct Strike: Ultimate Guide In Brood War Lurkers were sometimes used to contain enemies behind ramps/chokes and to defend bases. Why? Zerglings and lurkers demolish thors. Terran players may plant spider mines near their workers to catch high templar as they deploy. As long as the defenders can keep enemy detectors from penetrating, raiders deployed by air transport are at risk of being annihilated by pre-deployed lurkers that they cannot see. This makes it possible to dodge the outer spines with reactive micro. Expert players instantly understand the connections between the tactical and strategic levels. Lurker Den build time decreased from 86 seconds to 57 seconds. ". do they psyhicly make the ground spike upward? Cost: 150 Minerals/150 Vespene Gas/54 Seconds., About Liquipedia - The StarCraft II Encyclopedia. In this variation, the 12 Hatch variation is used, and the only difference is that after the Lair finishes, drop tech is started.
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how to counter lurkers as terran 2021