If God isn’t prepared to answer prayers in a very concrete way, i.e (Hey, God, I don’t have a job or I don’t have money to pay the rent), then s/he is less than useless to me. In the same way, we may think that God has promised to answer all of our prayers the way we want them to be answered. Ask yourself these questions. But first, start by ignoring or forgetting everything you have been told about God/god. As your child grows older, they may start to have doubts that are bigger and more prominent. Satan lied to me, and not knowing better, I believed Satan’s lie. If there is no God and you believe in him, ... Rather, you want him to try to believe them to be more valuable than he has currently has reason to, in order to learn their true value. I know the thoughts in my heart. i [know] salvation is not by prayer, but can a person who doubts his salvation pray something like this: (Lord Jesus i think i might be saved, but i am not sure i believe you died on the cross and physically rose again, shedding all of your eternal righteous blood to pay for my … Freeman said that it all comes down to a matter of believing, especially if people who believe in God don't think the world is more than 6,000 years old. If you are having doubts about a relationship, please let me assure you the answers you seek are within you. This is okay too, as teens have … The Bible says that very clearly in Ephesians 2:8-9: "For by grace you have been saved through faith. 1 Corinthians 14:33 promises, “God is not a God of confusion but of peace” (ESV). I don’t know why we continue to shame people with doubts, whether believers or not. That may sound strange. You have been given the gift that many people, to their sometimes hurt, don't realize: we cannot produce faith. Because i didnt fully believe God. This is where doubt comes in from. Answer: When we find ourselves doubting something, there is a sense of uncertainty, not knowing if the thing is true or false. My dad is retired Air force and believes in God with his heart, mind and soul. He's also been dealing, like the rest of ... you can send casseroles, you can make calls, you can visit the family. The sun warmed the soft sand of the beach. I may think I know, but God alone knows the heart (1st Sam 16:7), but I do know when I hear someone hesitating or procrastinating before they believe in Christ. I may be emotionally down, but that may have nothing whatsoever to do with my confidence that the New Testament is reliable, Jesus was who he claimed to be or that God really exists. Lucas Peng 1. As God has helped me move beyond my Christian Atheist doubts about prayer, now I see an added value of praying for those who hurt me. Heres a suggested approach that brought me to where i am. I pray for God to have mercy on me and to remember me when he comes for his church. There is no way I can completely forget the questions in my head. God is Almighty, and that also means He can give you all the power you need to be an overcomer, but you have to want to, and you have to obey Him, which means taking up a fight against your lusts. — Christianity has done its utmost to close the circle and declared even doubt to be sin. I want to believe in God because I want to go to heaven when I die. When we’re told to pray for those who’ve hurt us, I’m convinced our prayers are as much for ourselves as they are for the offender. Premise 5 and 6 are conclusions not premises. “Even if ye can no more than desire to believe,” Alma declares, “let this desire work in you, even until ye believe.” 2 With no other hope remaining, this father asserts what faith he has and pleads with the Savior of the world, “If thou canst do any thing, have compassion on us, and help us.” 3 I can hardly read those words without weeping. “I am the resurrection and the life. God, work in his life. “For God loved the world in this way: He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life” (John 3:16). Yes, your doubts will leave. Like there is no God. But imagine for a moment that you go to the doctor when you don’t feel well and the doctor starts prescribing medicine for a wide range of illnesses without first asking you questions or running tests. Do You Need to Believe in God to Pray? We have the choice to believe God or Satan. I also have a hard time believing that god is actually male. I want to serve God and I got scared when I read that Hebrew scripture. Take it as a gift. Pushing down your questions isn’t an … Though I have my serious doubts whether or not the following people have ever truly believed in the Lord Jesus Christ, the fact is that they claim to be shining examples of belief that "Jesus Is Lord" and claim they are the "anointed ones" and "holy men of God". The air was filled with the rich smells of the sea and the waves built and crested in a primal rhythm, beckoning me to come ride. Even if people have a difficult time with faith, if they struggle to seek after and follow God, they are light years ahead of one who does not believe and does not care. 2 comments. It is very hard to believe in a god, especially where it requires reason and logic to be put aside. It is hard for me to believe that God really and truly sees me and loves me. I know my own selfishness and pride and anger. “Doubt as sin. Question: "How can I stop doubting Jesus?" Aftet i was saved by God, Satan said i was not saved. God doesn’t want His people to doubt Him; He wants them to be confident in His love, watchfulness, and protection. When encountering emotional doubts, the best thing to do is to (repeatedly) tell ourselves the truth from God’s Word, invite God in to this by prayer, and then tell a trusted friend that we are … I just don't believe in being terrified by the unknown, much less attack others for it. Not one single prayer was ever answered. Lauren Berg. As you might expect, this answer seemed less and less satisfying over the years, and, like sand shifting underfoot, my doubt about God’s existence returned. Whoever has the Son has life; whoever does not have the Son of God does not have life – 1 John 5:10-12 Wherever you are in life, you have a purpose. I was brought up a Christain, read my bible, prayed and I feel like I am loosing it. It doesn’t matter how many books that I read, written by how many people who lived how many centuries ago. Many are waiting until they “clean up their life,” but this is a tragic mistake, because dead men … I reasoned that even if God didn’t exist, from everything I had seen in the world, believing in the Bible’s version of God was the best way to have a good life. Not very compelling, I know. 04/08/2011 09:27 pm ET Updated Jun ... full of doubts but I've always felt that honest doubts have a lot of faith in them. Instead of judging other Christians for having questions, let’s love and help each other by working together to find answers to our doubts. I know my sins and my failures. My prayers for others may or may not change them. It's just hard for my brain to accept God. “The bottom line for me is this. The Bible likens this attitude to “double-mindedness” (James 1:6–8). God is not going to double cross you and say, “sorry buddy you didn't believe just right, have fun in hell for eternity!” No way! I must have prayed for something like 25 or 30 years. I used to have doubts about my salvation. If you believe then it is settled. They aren’t really interested in finding answers to their questions or having their faith grow; their doubts are simply an excuse to keep away from God. It means you have to hang in there. So to answer my question early, YES, you can follow God and still have doubts. “But to all who did receive him, he gave them the right to be children of God, to those who believe in his name” (John 1:12). And I even admit that Church is a fun experience that kids should have. Because, I know who I am. Life is sometimes jus And I wonder, “How can God truly love me?” And, because of these doubts, I can reject God’s love. There is very little that God can do with the cool and indifferent. I want to believe in God but I don’t know how. The following are thirty questions that can help you achieve more clarity about … Some people, for example, savor their doubts and enjoy having them (although they may not even realize it). Now, a little background on my family. Double-minded thinking results in a person’s beliefs always changing, never coming to a determined conviction. So, Why did I have doubts? If we seek, knock and ask, we have … But others grow through their doubts. It won’t be long before you have a bona fide record of how God supernaturally speaks into the lives of His children through answered prayer. And this is the testimony, that God gave us eternal life, and this life is in his Son. This is called the obedience of faith, and these are the works that accompany your faith, and make it real. I want to believe in God, I want to be assured entrance into Heaven, but it is impossible. God will always welcome you home. And doubts begin to come in because you don’t have a fully formed picture of who God is. You have that privilege. Whoever does not believe God has made him a liar, because he has not believed in the testimony that God has borne concerning his Son.
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i want to believe in god but i have doubts 2021