Whilst not specific to computing, the indicators offers some insight as to what inspectors will be looking for and allow leaders to begin to assess the quality of computing education they are currently providing. The national curriculum for music at KS1 and KS2 requires pupils to: What to expect from a Deep Dive the importance of being able to articulate the music curriculum intent, implementation and impact what evidence an inspector might ask for what questions an inspector might ask Participants will take away: guidance about the implementation of music within different settings Or children with SEND. This is done in collaboration with leaders, teachers and pupils. Inspectors usually need to talk in more depth about a chosen deep dive subject with the subject leader. Consider and discuss the music provision in your school. This half-day webinar will give primary music subject leaders the confidence to develop their school's music curriculum, and to prepare for 'deep dive' music subject inspections under the new Ofsted* framework. He turned out to be as smart and insightful as his music. Deep Questions with Eric Nam | MINDSET x Eric Nam. Do you follow the music national curriculum… do you add to it? So, how will your school fare in the face of a subject deep dive? Get to know the style, the brand, the vision of our artist, familiarize yourselves with their music, and come up with new songs to knock their socks off! Post questions, find answers, see awesome projects, meet your peers, or even find someone to help your project or team. Music & OfSTED - The Deep Dive! I’m a Primary pusic specialist, but your thoughts are equally relevant to teachers in the Primary sector. ... Keeping music alive during Covid. A series of prompts and questions to get you thinking about your computing deep dive The Ofsted deep dive is one of the key elements of the new Ofsted Inspection Framework’s curriculum focus. Deep questions to ask are truly powerful. As a curriculum designer and computing leader, what leaps out to me from the indicators are: Curriculum 1c – importance of knowledge progres… It seems outdated and irrelevant. The intent of the deep dive is to seek to interrogate and establish a coherent evidence base on the quality of education.’ Inspecting the curriculum, Ofsted. However, our teacher. After a term of inspection under the new Ofsted framework, we now have a better understanding of what some schools have been asked and how Music Leaders and Schools can prepare for a Deep Dive into music. It means that I know what is being taught and how much progress is being made. Modern, warm, textured electronic track for your creative visual projects like travel videos, timlapse, underwater diving videos, beautiful landscape shots, tech reviews, advertising, podcast background, marketing, summer videos, slideshows, showreel, YouTube, beauty product videos, drone shots, ads promo and slideshow, motion graphics, tech and commercial videos etc. Embedded clause (Parenthesis) – 6 of the best resources for KS2 SPaG/GPS. Not only did this give them some of my intentions behind the work, but it revealed to me the quality of such a task. Put simply, a deep dive is an in-depth look by Ofsted inspectors at specific subjects in a school, based on the most recent Ofsted framework. Each section and task has comprehensive instructions about how to complete. * Listen in Google music* Listen in itunes What’s Up with That? Again, looking at the list above, this is clearly inadequate in terms of a curriculum, and would raise serious questions in a deep dive situation. I've found that a lot of stuff online is just people who got into plants like a year ago regurgitating the same stuff they randomly heard on other people's social media accounts ("Mist your plants to … An Ofsted inspection of any establishment, primary or secondary, small school or large, will now include ‘a subject deep dive’. 5 QUESTIONS: West Virginia native tracks a journey into “Giving Up Whiteness”: October 31, 2020: West Virginia native Jeff James has written a book with one of 2020’s most provocative titles: “GIVING UP WHITENESS.” Elizabeth Gaucher takes a deep dive into the genesis and themes of the book in “5 Questions” with the author.Read More The documents consist of a list of ten questions for each of the six elements of the deep dive process. I want you to my name is Eric. Is the curriculum being delivered appropriately by all staff? This year our carousel in Year 9 has meant that music staff are talking more. This is merely a collection of my thoughts and research form other blogs. This is NOT used to judge your marking It IS linked to the observation. Richard Berger: I am from NJ and moved to LA in 2005.I currently live in Westlake Village, CA (just outside of LA) SD: How long have you been making music? Make sure it also includes any support that you have given them, even the times when a member of staff has asked you for advice and you have pointed them in the direction of a useful website or resource. This will be an in-depth look at a particular area of your curriculum (e.g. There is a clearly a big focus on the curriculum and I quite like this as a focus. Are there aspects of your curriculum that you are disappointed with? The sequence of learning in a curriculum is also quite an interesting thing to consider. DIVE Studios. (Intent), How is the schoolâs curriculum being delivered? Think about overarching questions relating to the intent, implementation and impact of a music curriculum. was asked The progression through the curriculum needs to make sense to all teachers & all students. Following the session, experts from Essex Music Services will be available to answer specific questions. Questions asked during the music deep dive. I just want to be a Music Teacher that is ready for Ofsted, Director of Music RB: I have been making music since I was a teenager… just about 40 years now.. yikes SD: Who are the musicians involved in … This can include safeguarding, leadership and behaviour. Why is it that we are going to spend the next few lessons creating a piece of music? Meeting curriculum and subject leaders. Ofsted Deep Dive Questions Curriculum-Based Questions You can also hear “Wicked Bogus, Kid” on the Deep Indie Dive playlist. How do you ensure children make progress? It helps inspectors to get a feel for whether a broad and balanced curriculum is being offered, the quality of education the children are receiving, progression and sequencing, retention of prior learning, and whether the curriculum at the … Please note, these resources have been submitted by Music Mark members and are for information only.Â, The exam board of the Royal Schools of Music. Deep Dives are now part of the new Ofsted framework. Assessment in music is often quite varied and tasks given can depend on so many factors. Preparing for Deep Dives is going to be crucial for us as Music Teachers. What would happen if an Ofsted Inspector took a Deep Dive in your department? What's one big myth about you or your life that people talk about people think that I very easily got to where I am. Why now?). The resource packs can […] Real World Solutions Each episode focuses on insight that you can use to implement similar strategies or initiatives to move your institution forward. Share recordings: preferably from the unit of work observedThe inspectors should NOT be comparing work at two points. How do you ensure all staff are covering the curriculum? How much do we really know about our subject area? Deep Dives are part of the new Ofsted Framework and it looks like inspectors will select 6 subjects to scrutinise. Questions in a Deep Dive. These questions have been gather from various places and I can only apologise for not being able to credit the sources. So that is one question I will know how to answer. maths or EYFS) which Ofsted will decide on and inform … The deep dive approach aims to examine the quality of education in schools thoroughly. Keeping in touch about what has been learnt and what they need to do next is quite good. If you Deep Dive into what you actually teach you quickly start to get an idea of the quality, breadth, weaknesses and strengths. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. The music deep dive resource pack has been written to ensure subject leaders have everything they need to succeed and excel during a deep dive of their subject, including all of the questions they may be asked with comprehensive answers. SongStudio Deep Dive: Targeted Co-writing puts you in a writing team to write for a specific artist. 2. My new curriculum for Key Stage 3 is quite pleasing! 2 | Content. The course will cover best practice in planning, delivering, and assessing the primary music curriculum. Windsor Learning PartnershipView all posts by jamesmanwaring. Thank you…..as you say lots to celebrate. I therefore don’t want to ignore it and I want to keep formulating my answers over the coming weeks. 2. How to show/evidence progression of musical knowledge and understanding? Radio 3 is taking a “deep dive into the therapeutic comforts of mood music” with two new series presented by the R&B stars Jorja Smith and Celeste. Let’s find out what Ofsted will be looking for, so we can guide you through the process of getting your curriculum, teachers and pupils ready for the challenge. I am a singer songwriter and I do music and TV and stuff. Talk to me about the school's long term plan for music and the cross curricular links 3. It is clear that there are some common questions that are popping up and they are a good starting point for our thinking. Deep Dive in to the Whole Curriculum. It is nice to feel positive about what we teach and this new framework doesn’t have to be all doom and gloom. I sometimes wonder if I do link topics, schemes and lessons together effectively. As part of the deep dive into science, Ofsted inspectors will be scrutinising the way in which teachers explain science to their pupils. A Deep Dive also sounds like it will be quite intense. Look at potential key questions/ considerations in a music deep dive. The first thing you might like to do is really look at your curriculum. Ofsted Music Deep Dive Resources and Information, Deep Dive: A Primary Perspective - Portsmouth Music Hub (PDF), Music and Ofsted - Lincolnshire Music Service, Curriculum Guidance for Schools - Tri-borough Music Hub, Top Level View: Deep Dive Presentation - Plymouth Youth Music Service (Pptx), Deep Dives Presentation - Wakefield Music Education Hub (PDF), What is a school trying to achieve through their music curriculum? Below, therefore, are links to resources and information which they have sent through to us. It is helpful to consider the kind of questions that might be asked in a Deep Dive. I want to start by saying that I am not an expert in this area and I haven’t experienced a Deep Dive. Preparing for Deep Dives is going to be crucial for us as Music Teachers. New Here? It is helpful to consider the kind of questions that might be asked in a Deep Dive. Its implementation ismonitored through Mission: Dive deep into life’s most important questions from a Christian point of view EP3: Why would I open the Bible when I have google? How does a school support children who get behind? These are based on questions used during actual inspections. Although the questions which schools are asked in an Ofsted visit may vary, it is likely that the following might be key lines of enquiry based on the new focus on Intent, Implementation and Impact: There is also evidence that questions and observations include: Music Mark has invited its Members, including Music Education Hub Leads and their Partners as well as individual schools, to share their experiences of a Music Deep Dive so that we can ensure that knowledge and experiences are available to everyone. Take a deep dive into D&T. (Why this? I quite like having that as a goal because that way I can prepare and hopefully it will benefit the students. Check out the song and the conversation below. Create Free Account Today I spoke with Year 9 about why we actually compose. This information could then determine particular homework tasks, such as a series of GCSE exam style questions about dying techniques. A good place to start for computing leads is Ofsted’s curriculum indicatorsexpected to be associated with curriculum quality. We havecollaboratively developed a skill-based scheme of work that promotes problemsolving, resilience and ensure full curriculum coverage. Following pilots last year and many discussions about the new inspection framework –Â in particular surrounding subject âdeep divesâ – Ofsted has started visiting schools and asking about the Broad and Balanced Curriculum, and looking at specific subjects including music. Learning Walk Planner – usually the reading deep dive starts with an inspector accompanying the subject leader on a learning walk. Well planned curriculums mean that topics link forward and back. What difference do you feel your curriculum is making? Hasn’t it been discredited anyways? Feb. 26-28 and March 5: A Deep Dive into Targeted Co-Writing. Follow the links at the end of the article to connect with the artist. Membership organisation, subject association and charity. Objection: I really don’t see the reason to open the Bible. Get first hand knowledge from a music co-ordinator who has undergone a deep dive in music. These questions have been gather from various places and I can only apologise for not being able to credit the sources. OfSTED: A "Deep Dive" in Music - A Primary Perspective Interview with the Music Subject Leader: Before watching lessons and talking with children: 1. We aim to add to this list as more documents are sent to us so you might want to bookmark this page and revisit it regularly. So there are some thoughts, but I will continue to Dive Deeper into this area as I think there is still a lot to learn. Following lesson visits, there may be group discussions with other teaching staff which could include more general Ofsted Deep Dive questions about the school. The Static Dive: Where are you from? 8 Questions With Richard Berger. Must-read music book reviews. Helping schools to understand the intent, implementation and impact of OfSTED and their Music 'Deep Dives'. (Impact), How to demonstrate âsequencingâ in Music? How do you assess & monitor childrenâs progress. Deep dive: then, a ‘deep dive’, which involves gathering evidence on the curriculum intent, implementation and impact over a sample of subjects, topics or aspects. What is an Ofsted deep dive? I just want to be a Music Teacher that is ready for Ofsted, The Pressures of Teaching an Option Subject, Why you are pleased with your curriculum?Â, Can you tell me why you chose this work for pupils to do?Â. Music Mark has invited its Members, including Music Education Hub Leads and their Partners as well as individual schools, to share their experiences of a Music Deep Dive so that we can ensure that knowledge and experiences are available to everyone. Of all the social media plant superstars, I think I like House Plant Journal the best because he uses a science-based approach - for example, using light and humidity meters. Whether you're having drinks with the boys or connecting with a girl on a dinner date, personal conversations help you to genuinely understand each … They will enable a subject leader to focus on the key aspects of each element as … Deep Dives guest reveal the behind-the-scenes work and challenges along each journey. Please introduce yourself who you are. Broad, balanced, structured, quality, intent, implementation, impact, deep dive … there are so many words that come to mind when talking about the new Ofsted Inspection Framework, 2019. Inspectors may also wish to speak to pupils at this time. The intent of the deep dive is to seek to interrogate and establish a coherent evidence base on quality of education. Computing deep dive question examples . Below, therefore, are links to resources and information which they have sent through to us. ...Because, not only do these questions tell you a ton about a person, but these questions are (obviously) designed to start a deep conversation (and these can literally bond people for life). But I guess these are the kind of questions that a Deep Dive might explore: Some of the questions above are quite daunting when you first look at them. For fans. By fans. Deep Dive Questions and Answers – very detailed and comprehensive answers to all of the questions the subject leader is likely to encounter during the reading deep dive. (Implementation), What difference is the schoolâs curriculum making? We had the chance to catch up with Deja Solo for a little virtual back and forth. It is clear that this will fall on Middle Leaders and they will spend an hour with an inspector.
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