that was advancing onto said mountain. That Reclusiarch Mofo has been watching for all this time. Still raging, his armour half-dissolved by pungent fluids, Ten hacked into the sphincter until it released him and he fell to the earth trailing gibbets of innards. !” I yelled. “AT LEAST SOMEONE IN THIS FUCKING DUMP'S GOT THE BALLS TO FIGHT!” said Brother Hammerhead. WE'LL ORDER LIKE A THOUSAND PIZZA'S TO THE PRETTY MARINES HOME WORLD AND THEN WE'LL STICK IN THE DVD'S OF. "Brother Captain, the Forosian Planetary Council and I have a request to make of you and your Battle Brothers," said Governor Leass. “SIR, I'M THE FUCKING TECHMARINE,” he voxed. 6:00 - Early Morning Meal - A light meal is prepared by the Chapter serfs. However, the deafening roar of the battlefield is still not enough to a Noise Marine, and he adds to the ear-splitting din with devastating blasts from the sonic arsenal for which they are named. “YOU GROT-FONDLING DIPSHITS CAN'T HANDLE THIS LEVEL OF FUCKING PIETY!” the Captain had roared a few years ago as he chased the Chaplains around, whacking them over the head with his self-made prayer book, entitled "KILL ALL XENOS FOR THE EMPRAH". In this way, the cult of Slaanesh first began to take root in the IIIrd Legion. IM COMING TO GET YOU! Many scribes died that day. Their leader had said, his fat metal ass humming and whirring even through the pict feed. (all of them) Governor Mellitus remained loyal to the Throne. Millions died trying to escape the blaze. PUSSIES, THAT'S WHO. Having had enough of this emo cockslaping contest, the Master of the Armory picked up his wrench and started beating this new Redemptor Belligerent Engine - the first of its kind - into sullen unconsciousness. Emperor bless us all, those were the Angry Marines.". The marine looked up from his cleaning, “WE’RE GETTING SHOT AT, ASSHOLE!!! The first marine to point this out then proceeded to find out that tens of meters of adamantium and void shielding do little to stop oneself when thrown towards a wall at a significant fraction of the speed of light by a very angry fucker. When the capsule had finally been rammed into a drifting hulk of an old Imperial battleship, it is said that the Primarch was so enraged and frustrated with the vile game that he headbutted out the Adam's apple of the first survivor that he encountered, and thereafter killed every inhabitant with the remnants of the dying initial combatant. "THAT DOES IT!! 23:45 - Free Time - Space Marines are permitted this time to reflect upon their duty to The Emperor, however many Chapter Masters regard free time as a frivolous waste, and a dangerous distraction in the extreme. The chance for revenge came with the new of the death of the Angry Marines Master of the Armoury, creating an opening in their command structure. Entdecken Sie Noise Marines von Officio Audiorum bei Amazon Music. !” Bellowed the tech priest “YOU LOOK MORE MIGHTILYPISSEDOFF TO ME!! THAT’S COZ I FUCKIN AM YOU ARSE BISCUIT, now push the button AND LAUNCH THE FOOKIN’ TORPEDO AT THE PLANET! +++++ He had the Choppa hung over his back when he accosted me, asking “WHAT IN THE SERIOUS FUCK ARE ONE OF YOU INQUISITORS DOING HERE?!! I reasoned they were experiencing mechanical difficulties with their instruments. “BROTHER-CAPTAIN,” voxed Terridyne, “WE ARE APPOROACHING THE MOTHERFUCKING FRONT LINE!”, “I'M NOT FUCKING BLIND YOU BALD TWAT! !”, “THAT'S ABOUT THE SIZE OF IT, CUNTYBAWS! “GET YOUR FUCKING ARMOUR FIXED, ABADDON'S AT IT AGAIN, THE GERIATRIC, DRIED-UP, SMELLS-LIKE-OLD-MILK PUSSY! Being the only trained professional for his line of work, all the cases fell upon him. The best place to come for all the latest news from the 41st Millennium and the Mortal Realms. “FUCKING SHOOT HER THEN!” answered Terridyne. Armed with the terrifying "Fisting Stick" and traveling in his mighty battle-barge, "Considerable Shouting", the Angry Marines Librarian, Moarfistin is currently leading the Somethingth Company of Angry Marines on a Crusade to "COMPLETELY FUCK UP THOSE VAGINA HEAD TAU". "Yes master," said Aruel, his mortal savant. Twatsplasher tried to turn. “HAMMERHEAD, UNTIL WE GET TOE-TO-TOE YOU'RE GOING TO BE AS FUCKING WORTHLESS AS EVER. IT'S A FUCKING BELLIGERENT ENGINE, YOU FUCK!! They destroyed all the ships. Despite applying such tactical prudence they ran out of bolter ammo almost straight away. Mofo let loose a horrid string of obscenities as he charged toward the pretentious faggot. Echo company sprang from their cover and rushed the redoubt. Thankfully for histories sake, the driver of the rhino stopped his vehicle before it turned the shocked Yarrick into paste, a stop which dislodged the two fighting Marines off the tank to land at his feet, upon which they stopped fighting, stood up and glared at Yarrick as if this was all his fault. The locals, brave though they were, could not stand against the heretical Astartes. Died from organ failure brought on by radiation poisoning from using a lump of plutonium on the end of a 2x4 to beat Eldar to death. Shit-Ripper continued "AND WE TEAR THOSE ELDAR CUNTS INTO CHUNKS, RIGHT?!" These are detailed in Codex: ANGRY MARINES. And all the drop pods were currently receiving system updates due to mechanicus fuck nuggets and their mandatory machine spirit updates, as to the teleportarium. He tried to shake his head but couldn't. You can unsubscribe at any time. I then proceeded to take my leave of the Angry Marines, assuring them they would be cleared of all Heresy charges as long as they continued to cleanse the Ork weapons of taint but this would not be excused if such matters were extended to Chaos Weapons. At the best of times terminators are slow and purposeful, put them on a planet which is covered in a metre and a half of snow, and they might as well make them stationary. Finden Sie Top-Angebote für Warhammer 40,000 Chaos Space Marines-Slaanesh Noise Marine 602 bei eBay. The Angry Marines are, in essence, what would likely happen if /tg/ could magically turn themselves into Spess Mehreens and express their opinions towards certain aspects of the canon of 40K (and people who quote this exact line at the beginning of lore videos on the Angry Marines). It was several moments before he noticed the Hierophant bio-titan standing over him and watching him curiously, like a child examining an ant. And when the great beast finally collapsed to its knees they punched it further, revelling in the righteous rage they always felt. Thought for the Day: From the sheer force of anger and rage overwhelming shall be borne fire to cleanse heresy. Ultimately, it is telling of the less than exemplary mental nature of non-codex Astartes. The figure charged! !”, “THEY'RE NOT FUCKING ALLOWED, YOU WASTE OF SPUNK! Even when not in combat, the Angry Marines are so goddamn angry that even the words of their out-loud speech seem to be made with the CAPS LOCK key left on and with at least three exclamation marks at the end of each sentence. !” continued Maximus, reaching under the table and grabbing something “WE’D END UP WITH THE INQUISITION SO FAR UP OUR FILTHY ARSEHOLES THAT WE’D BE ABLE TO HEAR THEM SHOUT HERESEY OUT OF OUR MOUTHES!! YOU’D BETTER NOT BE THE CUNT WHO PROGRAMMED THAT GAME OTHERWISE I’LL SHOVE A CARNIFEX DOWN YOUR FUCKING THROAT!! !” in about a paragraphs time. The Angry Marines then realized their folly at listening -- even if only for a moment -- to an insufferable faggot. angrier angry marines) are more likely to use the word fuck in a more aggressive manner. “Who is it?” asked Crotch rot “is it more Angry Marines? The weapons of the Noise Marines are surreal indeed, so peculiar that their energies can blast through solid walls without losing potency. Only thirty, to face fucking shitloads of Nids. At this, the screen flashed “GAME OVER COCKSUCKER!! Over time however, like every other piece of influence before it, the orky powers around the banner started to diminish, to be replaced by "RAGE MOTHERFUCKER!!!" THE ONLY RUIN I SEE IS YOU SHITTING YOUR PANTS!!! Zarakynel, also known as the "Bringer of Torments," the "Souleater," the "Unholy One" and the "Angel of Despair," is a Keeper of Secrets -- a Greater Daemon of Slaanesh -- and a legendary enemy of the Aeldari. Angry Marine tactics focus on getting into melee as quickly as possible, and proceeding to bust open several crates of FUCK YOU in the various directions of the Imperium's enemies. Warhammer 40K: Mechanicus is the first game to do justice to the fiction. Twelve Angry Marines were still alive, riding on top of PDF Chimeras, chucking rocks, grenades and in at least one case, each other at the aliens. She was virtually in range of the laser burner. FFFFFFFFFF- WHO THE FUCK UPLOADED THIS!? BECAUSE ANGRY MARINES ARE NOT YOUR PERSONAL CHAPTER, FAGGOT! Due to a tragic incident involving a Nurgle cult unleashing a plague at his home colony, Moarfistin was driven to insanity, but this was also when he discovered his latent abilities as a psyker and was picked up and immediately recruited by the Angry Marines. During this part of the concert, several Emperor's Children Astartes left their seats and took up the instruments to try and keep the Chaos music playing and in the course of their untrained fumblings with the instruments discovered that they could unleash waves of destructive sonic power filled with the strength of Chaos. The whispers can be heard in a hundred-mile radius (even in the vacuum of space) and resulted in many sleepless nights (WHO FUCKING NEEDS SLEEP!!!) The most rage you've ever felt is like a minor annoyance compared to what an Angry Marine feels all the time. The heretical glee, visible on their faces even from space, angered the Brother Captain even moar.
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