Difference between pneumonia and lung abscess. Vein on the affected site is sore, tender (cord like) and warm upon palpation, Patients complaints of feeling of tightness, discomfort, burning, pain on the site, Decreased temperature or cold upon palpation. This is known as Thrombophlebitis. Phlebitis. Difference Between Phlebitis and Infiltration (with Table), https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/108482239400700107, https://journals.lww.com/journalofinfusionnursing/Fulltext/2001/09000/Relationship_Between_Peripheral_Intravenous.8.aspx, Comparison Table Between Phlebitis and Infiltration, Main Differences Between Phlebitis and Infiltration, Difference Between McAfee LiveSafe and Total Protection (With Table), Difference Between HCPCS and CPT (With Table), Difference Between Catholic and Lutheran (With Table), Difference Between Articles of Confederation and Constitution (With Table), Difference Between Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication (With Table). Fever. When the inflammation is caused by a blood clot or thrombus, it is called thrombophlebitis. Infiltration, on the other hand, simply means the leakage of intravenous fluid to the surrounding tissues. This distinction is made on the basis of the causal factors. March 24, 2015 < http://www.differencebetween.net/science/health/the-difference-between-phlebitis-and-infiltration/ >. Side Effects When an IV fails or “goes bad”, there are a variety of complications and side effects that may set in depending on how the IV failed and how … Infiltration-caused fluid build-up can be very harmful. You might also hear this called superficial phlebitis or superficial thrombophlebitis. Thrombophlebitis is common in patients who have a history of suffering from phlebitis. The phrase "signs of Phlebitis" should, strictly speaking, refer only to those signs and symptoms of Phlebitis that are not readily apparent to the patient. Fall in body temperature, paleness of skin are some symptoms commonly witnessed in infiltration patients but is not applicable in the case of phlebitis. These clots cause the vein and surrounding tissues to become inflamed. How to diagnose phlebitis Mr Eddie Chaloner explains how to differentiate the vascular condition of phlebitis from a DVT. During medical emergencies, an intravenous line is mandatory in order to administer medications and fluids to reach a patient’s circulatory system immediately. The main difference between phlebitis and infiltration is the cause of their occurrence. Moreover, the vein is simply inflamed under phlebitis while it is perforated when the patient suffers from infiltration. Pain, tenderness, redness (erythema), and bulging of the vein are common symptoms of phlebitis. It is usually a treatable condition that has to be first ascertained by medical testing. Vitamins. This symptom cannot be seen in patients suffering from infiltration. Pain, erythema and/or edema, palpable cord. This is the most common IV therapy complication. The symptoms and signs of phlebitis. Although most symptoms may be overlapping for both these medical conditions, there are few that distinguish them. • Categorized under Disease,Health | The Difference between Phlebitis and Infiltration. Cite Palpable venous cords is a common symptom exhibited by phlebitis patients. I am working on a PowerPoint presentation on PIV education for my hospital and would like permission to use pieces of your article. Phlebitis is irritation of the vein’s lining. The vein becomes inflamed because there's blood clotting inside it or the vein walls are damaged. Cellulitis vs. Phlebitis. The word "symptoms of Phlebitis" is the more general meaning; see symptoms of Phlebitis. Infiltration: Inadvertent leakage of a drug or solution (infusate) from a vein into surrounding tissues. There is no infection so antibiotics have no effect at all and should not be given. Ask Any Difference is a website that is owned and operated by Indragni Solutions. ?, purulent discharge. However, the salient differences between the two must be noted so as to prevent misdiagnosis. A long, thin red area may be seen as … Phlebitis is caused by blood clots which can form due to venous injury, or as a complication from a surgical procedure. Failure to do so can cause permanent damage and even death. The condition resolves within a week when treated with proper anti-inflammatory medication. Phlebitis is of three types; they are; chemical phlebitis, bacterial phlebitis, and mechanical phlebitis. Infiltration doesn’t usually causes harm not unless large amount of IV fluids enters the tissue and causes nerve compression or compartment syndrome, which can be harmful not unless prompt treatment is rendered.
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