The Jets are all at the drugstore and they assault Anita, making it clear she's about to be raped, until Doc shows up and intervenes. Bernstein was born and raised outside Boston, Massachusetts. The girl has survived the Holocaust and emigrated from Israel; the conflict was to be centered around anti-Semitismof the Catholic "Jets" towards the Jewish "Emeralds" (a name that m… All other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners. Mr. Sondheim has received the Tony Award for Best Score/Music/Lyrics for Company, Follies, A Little Night Music, Sweeney Todd, Into The Woods, and Passion, all of which won the New York Drama Circle Award for Outstanding/Best Musical, as did Pacific Overtures and Sunday In The Park With George. 2 flutes, 2 oboes, 2 clarinets, 2 bassoons, 2 alto saxes, tenor sax, baritone sax, 4 horns, 3 trumpets, 3 trombones, tuba, timpani, percussion, harp, strings. Bernstein’s score blended various styles, including jazzy sounds evocative of the decade in which the music was written, as well as Latin rhythms. I. I feel pretty. Updates? All right, let's take a moment to review what we've learned. It is a duet sung by lovers Tony and Maria, and features one of Bernstein 's best-known and -loved melodies. Composed by. (Actually, we hear that from the same guy who gave us West Side Story).Here, it's a nice modern stand-in for Shakespeare's Verona, right down to the heat rising from the streets and the nice young men trying to kill each other. Once a semester I use to prepare for all my finals. - Definition, Characteristics & Timeline, Effects of Electromagnetic Radiation on Living Cells, Dissonance in Music: Definition & Examples, Performing Arts: Characteristics & Functions, Government Regulation Agencies for Consumer Protection, Introduction to Sequences: Finite and Infinite, Imagery in Dante's Inferno: Examples & Recurring Images, FTCE Music K-12 (028): Study Guide & Test Practice, UExcel Business Ethics: Study Guide & Test Prep, TExES Music EC-12 (177): Practice & Study Guide, Principles of Business Ethics: Certificate Program, UExcel Introduction to Music: Study Guide & Test Prep, Introduction to Music: Certificate Program, Introduction to World Religions: Help and Review, Introduction to Humanities: Certificate Program, Introduction to Textiles & the Textile Industry. Leonard Bernstein backstage with the cast of West Side Story, 1957. To learn more, visit our Earning Credit Page. by John Mauceri. Library of Congress, Music Division. Select a subject to preview related courses: A devastated Tony sets off looking for Chino. West Side Story is a film that exists in its own unique emotional reality, an adaptation of a Broadway show that makes no effort to tone down the original’s necessary, boastful affectations. Visit the Music 101: Help and Review page to learn more. notes by Katherine Baber. As Chino shoots Tony, Maria catches him as falls to his death. need to accomplish your personalized educational goals. Furious, Anita lies and tells them that Maria has been shot by Chino and is dead. West Side Story Mega Pack of Activities West Side Story has long been a favorite of music lovers everywhere. West Side Story is the award-winning adaptation of the classic romantic tragedy "Romeo and Juliet". The intricacies of the West Side Story score could be discussed at great length, but for the purposes of this discussion, I would like to address two particular musical ideas – the tritone and the “Somewhere” motive. West Side Story, theatre music by American composer Leonard Bernstein that premiered August 19, 1957, in Washington, D.C., before moving to Broadway for a second opening on September 26, 1957. credit by exam that is accepted by over 1,500 colleges and universities. Her confidence soars because she is "loved by a pretty wonderful boy," but her co-workers at the bridal shop … While every effort has been made to follow citation style rules, there may be some discrepancies. Enrolling in a course lets you earn progress by passing quizzes and exams. He composed the score for the musical West Side Story. imaginable degree, area of Songfacts®: Written by Leonard Bernstein (music) and Stephen Sondheim (lyrics), the idea for "Maria," which was published in 1956 and appeared on Sony's soundtrack for West Side Story in 1961, began several years earlier. They start to dance, but Maria's brother Bernardo breaks them up and sends Maria home. 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Cohan: Biography, Music & Songs, Hair the Musical: Synopsis, Songs & Characters, Hard Rock Music: History, Artists & Bands, Hello, Dolly! Get access risk-free for 30 days, Get the unbiased info you need to find the right school. Our editors will review what you’ve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. - Definition, History & Artists, What Is Reggae? These subtleties are a vital part of the tone evoked by many beloved films and television shows, with composers being the masterminds behind them. It is primarily a condensation of the … Far less well known is the fact that Shakespeare based his play (1594) on other material, particularly a narrative poem by Arthur Brooke entitled The Tragicall Historye of Romeus and Juliet (1562). All rights reserved. has thousands of articles about every The next day, Maria and Tony make pretend wedding vows to each other in ''One Hand, One Heart.'' Alisha is a college music educator specializing in historic and world music studies. She serves on the music faculty of Metropolitan State University of Denver and gives pre-performance talks for Opera Colorado and the Colorado Symphony... Leonard Bernstein at the MacDowell Colony in Peterborough, New Hampshire. Based on Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, this musical is a staple in middle schools and high schools in America. In the next scene, a Puerto Rican girl named Maria is working in a bridal shop, making a dress to go to the school dance with her boyfriend, Chino. - Definition, Artists & History, What is Gospel Music? study Did you know… We have over 220 college Its mixture of Latin American rhythms, big band jazz harmonies and instrumentation, contrapuntal writing, and colloquial language is handled with such skill and sensitivity that the result makes it seem as though these elements had always coexisted. - Definition, History & Songs, What Is Swing Music? - Definition, History & Artists, What Is Rap Music? The gentle ‘tings’ of a triangle as two characters fall in love. It has become one of the most frequently performed of all American musicals, and many consider it to be the definitive Bernstein composition. The feuding families become two warring New York City gangs--the white Jets led by Riff and the Latino Sharks, led by Bernardo. Tony, in a fit of rage, kills Bernardo. Those familiar with Leonard Bernstein 's West Side Story are generally aware that it is an updating of Shakespeare 's tragic love story Romeo and Juliet. Chino comes to tell Maria that Tony has killed Bernardo. Leonard Bernstein 's West Side Story is based on and built around music's most unsettling interval, the … - Definition, Artists & Instruments, What Is Rumba? In the end, Tony is killed and Maria gives an impassioned speech about how both gangs are at fault for his death, thereby ending the battle. Exploring the similarities and differences is … Leonard Bernstein was an American composer and conductor who lived from 1918 to 1990 and who wrote in many styles and forms, including musicals, operas, ballets, symphonic, and orchestral works. But Maria tells her best friend Anita that she isn't actually in love with Chino. You can test out of the 's' : ''}}. He found his way to New York by way of Harvard and the Boston Symphony Orchestra's Tanglewood in western Massachusetts. The Broadway production had nearly a thousand performances from 1957 to 1960, and was turned into a ten-time Academy Award-winning musical film in 1961. West Side Story, theatre music by American composer Leonard Bernstein that premiered August 19, 1957, in Washington, D.C., before moving to Broadway for a second opening on September 26, 1957. | {{course.flashcardSetCount}} Both are stories of unrequited love that end tragically, but there are many elements that make them very different. You can pretty much find anything here. At the dance, Maria and Tony spot each other from across the room and immediately fall in love. Traumatized, Maria waves the gun around and even points it at herself, claiming that they all killed Tony because of their hatred for each other. This product gives you a wide variety of worksheets, writing prompts and a Bernardo and Riff agree to meet up at Doc's drugstore later on. Try refreshing the page, or contact customer support. Anyone can earn Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). They sing ''Tonight,'' a song about the excitement of falling in love. In this lesson, we will explore ''West Side Story'', a musical written by composer Leonard Bernstein. SAN JUAN, P.R. The musical is a 20th-century American adaptation of the Shakespearean tale of Romeo and Juliet. The Jets are making fun of the cops in ''Gee, Officer Krupke'' when the tomboy Anybody's arrives and tells the Jets that Chino has a gun and plans to kill Tony. {{courseNav.course.mDynamicIntFields.lessonCount}} lessons "Tonight" is one of the most popular songs from this 1957 Broadway musical smash hit. For example, in the song “Tonight,” he has several characters reflect on their hopes and expectations for the night to come. In 1961, adapted for the silver screen, West Side Story took 10 Academy Awards, including best picture. It was published in 1956 Members of the Sharks street gang dancing the choreography of Jerome Robbins to the music of Leonard Bernstein in. He wrote in many styles and forms, including musicals, operas, ballets, symphonic, and orchestral works. Services. Log in or sign up to add this lesson to a Custom Course. The territory battle, which is fought through highly stylized dance moves, is interrupted by Officer Krupke and Lieutenant Schrank. West Side Story Script - Broadway musical ACT I SCENE ONE 5:00 P.M. — For many years I’ve avoided writing about “West Side Story.” As a Puerto Rican critic, I resent the expectation that I have something to say about a musty old musical … Meanwhile, Anita and the other Puerto Rican girls sing about the difficulties of adjusting from life in Puerto Rico in ''America.''. SPOILER ALERT: MARIA HAD A DELETED DEATH SCENE. They decide to run away together in the song and dance number, ''Somewhere.''. An error occurred trying to load this video. Riff, the leader of the Jets, wants his friend Tony to commit to the fight, but the rest of the gang questions Tony's loyalty. In 1947, Jerome Robbins approached Leonard Bernstein and Arthur Laurents about collaborating on a contemporary musical adaptation of Romeo and Juliet. It is widely known that West Side Story (WSS) is based directly on Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet (R&J). Sciences, Culinary Arts and Personal Meanwhile, Tony finds Maria's apartment building and serenades her with ''Maria,'' which brings her out to the fire escape, a reference to the balcony scene from Romeo and Juliet. Leonard Bernstein found his "voice" in the early 1940s and projected the sound of urban and urbane America from the period of World War II to the anti-war movements of the 1970s and the restoration of freedom in Europe, with the fall of the Berlin Wall and Soviet communism. When Tony leaves Maria's apartment, they make plans to meet at Doc's drugstore and run away together. Bernstein was a major supporter of American composers, and he traveled the world programming primarily American music to sold-out theaters. credit-by-exam regardless of age or education level. Create an account to start this course today. Earn Transferable Credit & Get your Degree, Action Painting: Definition & Characteristics. A suggestion of city streets and alleyways: a brick wall. The Jets want to continue the fight, and plan to propose a rumble to the Sharks, led by Bernardo, that night at the school dance. Leonard Bernstein was an American composer and conductor who lived from 1918 to 1990. and career path that can help you find the school that's right for you. Leonard Bernstein had written a musical tentatively called East Side Story in 1949. The opening is musical: half-danced, half-mimed, with occasional phrases of dialogue. 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West Side Story is one of Bernstein's most impressive achievements in any style of composition. Few composers capture their time and become the iconic voice of their age. At the beginning of Act 2, Maria, who has no idea what is going on with the rumble, sings ''I Feel Pretty.'' Be on the lookout for your Britannica newsletter to get trusted stories delivered right to your inbox. By signing up for this email, you are agreeing to news, offers, and information from Encyclopaedia Britannica. all of Arthur Laurents, Jerome Robbins and his musical, "West Side Story" at the Paramount Theatre in Chicago, Illinois was awarded the 2016 Joseph Jefferson (Equity) Award for Large Musical Production. Tony, an American, falls in love with the Puerto Rican immigrant Maria, and their love unfolds amid the gang violence between the American Jets and the Puerto Rican Sharks. The Jets set off searching for Tony. 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