Summary: The Wonder Pets travel to England to rescue a Baby Hedgehog who is trapped inside the mouth of a large topiary lion. The Wonder Pets visit a Nile Crocodile who has a toothache. The Wonder Pets introduce her to an Egyptian Plover who is more than happy to become her personal dentist. Fall TV Preview: A Guide to New & Returning Broadcast Shows. "/"Three Wonder Pets and a Baby" 3.11 Ep 11.: "Save the Gecko! But they need help catching cookies from the Sugar Plum Fairy. Use the mouse to move Linny, Tuck and Ming-Ming around to catch cookies, frosting, and other decorations from the Sugar Plum … Follow. Save The Ladybug!/Save The Sea Turtle! Watch how teamwork always works for Linny, Ming-Ming, and Tuck as they don their capes and set out to save young animals all over the world – from a baby panda in Southern China to a Nile crocodile, from an Australian kangaroo to a baby dinosaur, from a kitten in a tree to a monkey in space! Watch Linny, Tuck, and Ming-Ming as they learn, play, and save the day! Wonder Pets! Save The Dolphin!, Save the Chimp! Save the Sea Lions!, Save the Kangaroo! This is the only time someone's … Children: There They Are! S1:E10. S1:E1. A lady bug is trapped in a venus flytrap and it’s up to the Wonder Pets to set her free; then the Wonder Pets head to Japan to help a lost sea turtle that is looking for the sea. 3.6 Ep 6.: "Kalamazoo! The Wonder Pets Full Game - Episode 1 - The Wonder Pets Save the Animals! The Wonder Pets get a call from a pop-up book where the Young Cow is having trouble jumping over the moon. The Wonder Pets - Official's Videos on MetaCafe. Based on the "Moo-sical," "Oklahoma!" Save the Skunk!is an episode of Wonder Pets! Skinny Guys Who Transformed Into Muscular Hunk, If You Look Once, You'll Miss Out On Stuff, 25 Women Inappropriately Dressed For Walmart, A Babysitter’s Guide to Monster Hunting – Six Months Film Clip – Netflix – Director Rachel Talalay – Producers Ivan Reitman & Amie Kemp – Writer Joe Ballarini - stars Tom Felton, Indya Moore, Tamara Smart & Oona Laurence, Some Business Cards Are Uniquely Creative, When Your Online Order Is What You Expected, Girl Teaching Hair Curling Goes Horribly Wrong. S1:E3. - Wonder Pets. https://www.metacafe. Posted: (1 days ago) Join the Wonder Pets for their wonderful, musical adventures from season 1 and 2! The Wonder Pets make cookies for the Mouse Kings party where the Nutcracker will be a guest! It is a holiday wonderland as the Wonder Pets catch cookies to bring to the Mouse Kings party. Each episode followed the adventures of three classroom pets - … S1:E5. Our fall TV preview concludes with a comprehensive guide to the new and... 2013 Fall TV Preview: Our Comprehensive Guide to the Season's New and Returning Shows. So sing The Wonder Pets - Linny the Guinea Pig, Ming-Ming Duckling, and Turtle Tuck - three classroom pets turned heroes who travel the world to save young animals in distress! Dislike. Posted: (3 days ago) The Wonder Pets journey into a puppet theater to save the Three Little Pigs from the Big Bad Wolf. - Wonder Pets. The Wonder Pets journey to a small village in old Russia to save a Fiddler Crab. Please enter your birth date to watch this video: You are not allowed to view this material at this time. Save. 3.8 Ep 8.: "Save the Pangaroo! Ming-Ming is a black and white spotted cow, Linny is a yellow chicken and Tuck is a pink pig. The Wonder Pets Episode Game - The Wonder Pets Join the Circus. Join the Wonder Pets for their wonderful, musical adventures from Season 1! Check box if your review contains spoilers. Stream songs including "The Wonder Pets! "/"Save the Sea Turtle!" S1:E2. This groundbreaking musical show is not only about teamwork, the Wonder Pets teaches kids about sharing, helping others, and being a good friend. Subscribe Unsubscribe 44. Metacritic TV Episode Reviews, Save the Cow, Save the Skunk!, Linny, Tuck, and Ming-Ming travel to Oklahoma and try to save a calf that was thrown into a tree by a tornado. Watch The Wonder Pets E09. The Wonder Pets travel to Paris to help a poodle who has gotten herself stuck at the top of the eiffel tower because she was made fun of by other dogs. Media: English Navigation: English Of course they would love your help! Posted: (4 days ago) All Creatures Great and Small (2021): Season 1. After a tornado sweeps up the Wonder Pets, ... Kalamazoo; Save the Cow Who Jumped Over the Moon! Wonder Pets S3, Ep302 "The Amazing Ollie!/Help The Monster!" / The Wonder Pets save a baby skunk. The Weeknd - Official Super Bowl LV Halftime Show Review - The Weeknd Hermit Crab Behaviors. Save the Cow / Save the Skunk. 8 Mar 2017 207 093. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Get a detailed look at every new and returning show coming to broadcast... 2012 Fall TV Preview: Our Night-by-Night Guide. Save the Duckling! Watch how teamwork always works for Linny, Ming-Ming, and Tuck as they don their capes and set out to save … Ollie the Bunny disappears into a magician's hat and Wonder Pets must rescue him once again! Then a lady bug gets caught in â ¦ Metacritic TV Episode Reviews, Save the Ladybug! 3.9 Ep 9.: "Save the Armadillo! 28:09. Jasizape. The pets must rescue a calf from a tornado; the pets look after a visiting bunny and save a skunk from a thorny rosebush. Save the Tree!, Save the Elephant! Linny, Tuck, and Ming-Ming travel to Oklahoma and try to save a calf that was thrown into a tree by a tornado. The unlikely singing trio travels the globe to rescue baby animals that need their help. Comment S3:E11 | Jun 5, 2009 | 24m. The Wonderful Wonder Pets! Share ... / The Wonder Pets save a baby skunk. The Wonder Pets rescue a calf in Oklahoma. (S1E2), Wonder Pets: Save the Unicorn/Save … "/"Help the Cow Jump Over the Moon!" ; Save the Acting Donkey! April 22, 2008 Episodes: "Save the Beetles" / "Three Wonder Pets and a Baby" "Save the Chameleon" / "Save the Platypus" "Save the Duckling" / "Save the Kitten" "Save the Sheep" / "Save the Hermit Crab" Save the Nursery Rhyme! from season 1. The Wonder Pets journey to a small village in old Russia to save a Fiddler Crab. Show more. 3.10 Ep 10.: "Save the Beetles! The pets travel to Transylvania to help a baby bat. "/"Save the Cricket!" © 2021 Metacafe, LLC. is an episode of Wonder Pets! Woman's Hair So Long, It Looks Like A Horse's Tail! Even The Horse Showed It's Sympathy For The Girl Who Just Couldn't Climb Up. The Wonder Pets rescue a calf in Oklahoma. How very prehistoric! Save the Bat! Share. / The Wonder Pets get a nighttime call from a Baby Owl in Oregon and must enlist the aid of Fireflies to help rescue her. The Wonder Pets. Notable Video Game Releases: New and Upcoming. The Wonder Pets rescue a calf in Oklahoma./The Wonder Pets save a baby skunk. ", "Poor Baby Squirrel" and more. 216 - Save the Rat Pack / Save the Fiddler Crab on the RoofThe Wonder Pets travel to Las Vegas to assist three performing Rats who are having trouble working together on their song and dance routine. This distinct game follows a storybook pattern, which makes it easier for your Wonder Pets! ... Metacafe House Rules; Do … "/"Save the Itsy Bitsy Spider!" Save the Three Little Pigs Save the Owl - Metacafe. S1:E4. Published 4 years ago Like. Help Linny, Ming-Ming, and Tuck go from the classroom to the prehistoric jungle in this interactive storybook adventure. Comments account_circle. Save the Unicorn!, Save the Penguin! The Black Church: This Is Our Story, This Is Our Song: Season 1, MUSIC: Songs from and Inspired by the Motion Picture. Save the Dinosaur!, Save the Pigeon! The pets jump into the costume box and come out as farm animals. The Wonder Pets Full Episodes - The Wonder Pets Save the Mouse - Wonder Pets Full Episodes. 4:59. The Wonder Pets - Official's Channel on MetaCafe. fan to control and follow. Save the Beetles! Clariceshanna 9424. The pets get a call from a cow who is having trouble. from season one. Linny Tuck Ming-Ming Ollie (debut) Baby Skunk Linny, Tuck, and Ming-Ming save a skunk from a thorny rosebush with the help of Ollie the bunny. All Rights Reserved. Music title data, credits, and images provided by, Movie title data, credits, and poster art provided by. Save the Cow! Save the Caterpillar, Save the Crane! Save the Kitten! Next, the pets save … So sing The Wonder Pets - Linny the Guinea Pig, Ming-Ming Duckling, and Turtle Tuck - three classroom pets turned heroes who travel the world to save young animals in distress! 3.7 Ep 7.: "Save the Ladybug! Listen to Wonder Pets by Wonder Pets on Apple Music. Our massive preview has details on the most promising new shows and your... Get a list of the best movie and TV titles recently added (and coming... S1:E8. © 2021 METACRITIC, A RED VENTURES COMPANY. "/"Save the What?" / The Wonder Pets save a baby skunk. - Wonder Pets. Next, the pets save a skunk from a thorny rosebush with the help of Ollie the bunny who is a visiting school pet. 210 - Kalamazoo / Help the Cow Jumped Over the MoonMing-Ming visits her Aunt Eleanora at the local petting zoo during a school holiday. The petstravel to Oklahoma and try to save a calf that was thrown into a tree by a tornado. There's a baby triceratops in trouble and the Wonder Pets are on the way!
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